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Decorating our Tree

We decorated early for Christmas this year! We are usually an after Thanksgiving family but David suggested decorating early and we were so excited. The other day we sat down and went over all of the traditions we want to do each year for Christmas. It was so fun to make solid plans especially since Atticus is now 3 and is really loving holidays! We decided that one of our traditions is going to be making a whole day out of decorating – all of us in pajamas, decorating cookies, Christmas music on, potpourri on the stove, candles burning, fresh wreaths and garlands, all of it! I remember decorating for Christmas was such a fun day growing up. We pulled out our Christmas stuffed animals, our snow globes, it was all so special. Remember two years ago when we wore the Hanna Andersson star wars set?!! Here is the post from that Christmas. Rosie was soo tiny! I love these classic striped pajamas and also love that they always have a pair for the pup too 🙂

Growing up we always got our Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve which I do love that tradition but I feel like we should enjoy them all month long! So that is what we have decided to do. Plus we decided to have the Polar Express as a tradition too so we would need the pajamas early for that too! What are some of your Christmas traditions?! Here is a little list of some of ours:

  1. Teddy Bear Tea! My mom always took us to the teddy bear tea growing up – it was this tea and you got to dress up and bring a bear. I am going to have one for the kids each year since the hotel that did this no longer does. (I remember always thinking the bathrooms were SO fancy and awesome haha)
  2. Sticky buns and hot coco on our Christmas china on Christmas morning! I still am on the hunt for beautiful Christmas china.
  3. Polar Express in pajamas the week of Christmas
  4. Clam chowder on Christmas Eve
  5. My siblings and I would always have a sleepover in one of our rooms growing up so I hope our kids do this too!
  6. 12 days of Christmas giving back
  7. We plan to do the 5 gifts of Christmas.. Our kids will get 1. Something to wear 2. Something you want 3. Something you need 4. Something to read 5. Something to give + a gift from “santa” when they are little.
  8. Make ornaments each year or finding one that represents that year – last year we painted rocks/coral that we found on the sand since we were living in Hawaii at the time. The year before we bought this taxi cab ornament at a Christmas festival at Columbus Circle since we were living in NYC. This year we did salt dough ornaments! I love having ornaments with meaning.
  9. And then some others that we will do as the kids get older like doing a nativity with the kids and their cousins here, David wants to always recite this poem that his dad always told them on Christmas Eve, caroling, ice skating, etc! So many fun traditions!!!! The holidays are soooo fun!!!!

*Thanks to Hanna Andersson for sponsoring this post

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