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Pink Sweater & 12 Things

It’s been a minute since I have done a 12 things so here we go!

1. This morning I was getting ready and gave Rosie some make up to play with and I wasn’t paying attention – we were just gabbin and all the sudden I look down and she has dug her little nails into my bronzer so much that nothing was left but powder alllll over the floor hahah it was such a mess

2. I just filmed a hair tutorial! The kids are on a little pre birthday outing with my mom and sisters! It’s rosies birthday on Saturday!!

3. I am completely obsessed with Oprah’s podcast. You guys have to go listen! Every episode is amazing. I loved Joe Biden’s – I thought it was really cool to hear his family values and a bit about how he was raised. I also loved the Eckhart Tolle episode – makes you think about certain things differently!

4. We are decorating our Christmas tree tomorrow! We usually wait til after thanksgiving but decided to do it early for now on. Why not?!

5. Atticus is obsessed with me lately and I love it because I’m obsessed with him! He always wants me to hold him and always asks to lay down and snuggle 🙂 he is so affectionate and I love that I always feel his love.

6. For Ro’s bday we are going to a fun harvest festival that has pony rides and a petting zoo. I considered getting a petting zoo and inviting friends but then saw the harvest festival had one and thought, yep that sounds easier and cheaper lol. But we have other fun family stuff planned and can’t wait to have a day all about her.

7. Our office renovation is soooo close to done! I’m just trying to order everything to fill it. And gosh is decorating expensive $$$ or whattt.

8. The weather in Arizona right now cannot be beat!

9. My brother and sis in law and their kids come in town this weekend and I can’t wait. I really wish we got to see them more. My whole fam is doing thanksgiving here but we are going to California this year to be with Davey’s fam! We are going to do a special dinner on Monday with my fam before we leave.

10. I get so excited when I see that Atticus has a school project due! So fun to get to do those with him. I also love how much he loves school. We have to wake up at 6:45am which is really early for him and he’s always sooooo sleepy (he likes a A LOT of sleep ;)) but as soon as I say that he gets to go school he says, “yay!” And jumps out of bed!

11. The first day Trader Joe’s got their fresh wreaths and garland we got them for our house! Smells sooo good.

12. I did the dumbest thing recently!!! It was such a blonde thing to say and I want to explain it on here but it is too hard to explain haha. So I’ll have to tell you on an insta live or something. I was literally CRYING laughing like actually tears coming down my face when I realized what I had said haha!

hope you guys are having a good day!!!!!!!

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