Boosting Breast Health Using Essential Oils
Boosting breast health using essential oils? When we think of skin care, no one ever talks about the care of the breast. Not only is sunshine, iodine and real food a recipe for the health of your breast, so are the botanicals used to create herbal blends and what’s often called botanical medicine.
Massaging your way to healthy breast tissue is a simple strategy. When using essential oils, breast massage regenerates the cells and supplies monoterpene medicine to where it is most needed.
Massaging inward and upward helps to stimulated lymphatic drainage, as well as releasing excess estrogen , firm connective tissue and it also enhances elasticity.
Boosting Breast Health Using Essential Oils for Breast Care
If you’re looking for essential oils to stimulate the movement of your lymph, supply fresh nutrition, remove toxins and boost breast health, look for oils such as cypress, yarrow and laurel oils.
Sandalwood is used when treating blockage in your armpits. Parabens and aluminum have been known to give rise to tumors in the armpit.
Here’s a massage oil recipe for boosting breast health:
55ml Jojoba oil
5 ml orange essential oil
10 drops of Laurel essential oil
10 drops Frankincense essential oil
When making this massage oil, use therapeutic essential oils.
Breast Health
Vitamin D has been known to reduce breast cancer risk. So the more you soak in the sunshine and iodine the better. Did you know that the health of your breast is a barometer? Your breast give and receive life force.
The health of your breast includes solutions such as stimulating the lymph, strengthening breast tissue and stepping away from the cosmetics, chemicals and toxic metals that can often cause cell mutation. Weak breast cells are vulnerable to disease. Inflammation is commonly considered the culprit, however, it’s not always bad.
The lymphatic system is intimately connected to your breast. Did you know that lymph flow can be blocked or obstructed by poor posture, lack of exercise, shallow breathing as well as tight neck, shoulder and back muscles? Wow.
Self Care and the health of your breast can be quite simple. Therefore, give yourself some self care time and your breast and their health will thank you for it. That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel
The post Boosting Breast Health Using Essential Oils appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.