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My New Obsession? Essential Oils. 

So, two things happened to get me to the level of sheer obsession with essential oils.

Earlier this year, I flew back to New York for my friend’s baby shower. While in the city, I spent some quality time with my college bestie Taylor (just wait for her Glow Girl!) who came in from LA. She stayed at my apartment and gave me a glimpse into her amazingly over-the-top skincare routine. It involved the usual suspects like serums, hand creams, the works… but what I was most intrigued by was her essential oils ritual. It’s her last step before bed and one that I noticed was an integral part of the routine. She uses it to enter sleep in the most peaceful and positive way possible. She used Young Living.

Around the same time, I had my sister talking about how she had recently gotten really into oils. As a mom of two young girls, she’s constantly battling whatever her kiddos bring home from the playground. She uses oils to stay healthy and centered. Genius, right?

After testing Taylor’s Peace and Calming Essential Oils and listening to my sister’s rave reviews, I couldn’t NOT get involved. Essential oils have been around since the Roman times to improve health and well-being. They work on physical and emotion levels to relieve stress and deal with with emotion, immunity, tension and mood. Are you feeling overly stressed? Theres an oil for that. Are you tired, sore? Do you have back aches, depression? Poison ivy? There’s an oil for these too.

To start, (I became a member of Young Living) and ordered a bunch of different oils and a diffuser and it was waiting for me when I arrived back in Switzerland. If you watch my Insta Stories then you saw when I finally got around to opening up the box and playing around with all the oils. I guess I had always been really intimidated by oils because there are sooo many to choose from and each of them do something different. Pinterest has been great in getting me started, too. There are so many helpful charts that break down what every oil does and helps you to create really powerful blends. You feel like a amateur chemist, mixing and creating your own scent. My favorite way to use the oils is with my diffuser. It just changes the whole vibe – for the better.

So, this is how I got started. I bought the Premium Starter Kit which comes with the 11 most popular oils and a diffuser.

Comes with 5ml bottles of:

-Stress Away

You get to choose your diffuser (I have the you choose which one), a roller ball attachment and some more samples.

After you get it as a wholesale member, you will have the discount forever after on anything you ever need which is 24% off. I will also add you to the Happy Oils Facebook group – your one stop place for all essential oil questions and needs.

You can grab yours here.

Click the signup link above, and follow these steps:
1. Be sure to check Wholesale Member to earn your 24% off any future orders.
2. Then choose the Premium Starter Kit you’d like (the kit with the Home or Dewdrop diffuser is $160)
3. Unless you are ready to dive in and know you want to be ordering often, go ahead and just say No Thanks for Step 3 about Essential Rewards. No need to worry about that right now!
4. Now add another Dew Drop diffuser (the two free oils will show up automatically) and anything else you want with your brand new 24% off discount. Some of my suggestions are Grapefruit, Cedarwood, Valor II, Oregano, Citrus Fresh, Tea Tree, and Deep Relief.  Let me know if you want support for anything specific and I’ll help!

Follow the process all the way through to the end, where you will receive a confirmation email. Let me know if you don’t get that order confirmation email for any reason.

They are global, so they ship internationally. Oh, and to give to a little help, here are my 5 favorite oils: Orange, Stress Away, Peace and Calming, Geranium and Ylang Ylang. There are endless way to use the oils too. Upgrade you bath routine, mix an oil with your face or body lotion, create a relaxing linen spray and my personal favorite, purify your living space with a diffuser.

Pro tip: If you venture out on your own to find oils, make sure you buy ones that are super high quality. Sometimes it’s tempting to reach for the cheap options, but I assure you, investing in the most concentrated natural formulas will give you the best results.

Next up, I’ll be sharing with you my favorite oils for bedtime.

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