#OnLocationWithLexi Let’s Go Places Black History Tour With Toyota To Alabama Part I
I love Black history. I feel like I didn’t learn enough growing up and when I went to my HBCU (Historically Black College & University),I realized I missed so much important information. Since then, I chose to educate myself. I would read as much as possible, watch documentaries, and research anytime I heard a new story or discovered someone new.
Toyota invited me to head on an unforgettable journey through Alabama and Mississippi on a Black History tour. I was ecstatic to go because I had a great time on my last trip to Alabama.
Instead of riding a bus, this time, I got to drive and stop along the way. Best of all, we got to ride in Toyota’s 2018 fleet.
My partner was Veronica from MadameNoire.com and NoSugarNoCreamMag.com. We rode around in style, had great convos and listened to great music.
Let’s Go Places
The motto of Toyota truly depicts this trip’s purpose. This Let’s Go Places Black History Tour shows that Toyota truly cares! Not only were they a contributor to the new Civil Rights Museum in Jackson, Mississippi, but every stop on the way to various museums, Toyota provided a donation. I was amazed at their generosity and their authentic and genuine care for these black history museums.
“We are helping to preserve and celebrate history throughout the country, supporting a range of activities that educate and inspire, aligning with our philosophy of respect for people and our longstanding commitment to our communities,” says Adrienne Trimble, general manager, Diversity & Inclusion, Toyota Motor North America.
I love Montgomery! I had recently visited in September and I enjoyed myself this time as well! We headed to the Dexter Parsonage Museum where I did the tour again with Dr.Cherry! If you haven’t checked out this house, I promise it will be one of the best experiences. The way she gives her tour, you feel like you are in the 1960’s right there in the action of the Civil Rights Movement.
After the Parsonage Museum, we attended Dexter Avenue Baptist Church which is the only church Dr. Martin Luther King was the head pastor. We got a chance to learn the history of the church and all of the pastors who contributed to the civil rights movement. Below is the actual desk MLK sat.
Due to the snow, we couldn’t take the walk over the Edmund Pettus bridge so I was lucky to be able to have that experience in September. I did check out The National Voting Rights Museum. In there, there were photographs taken from police cars during Bloody Sunday. If you know anything about Bloody Sunday, you know it was a horrific day. Black people were beaten and teargassed.
This trip was truly emotional to see what people went through during those times. They did it for US! For generations to come!
Thanks to Toyota for this important, unforgettable experience. Thank you to the Rennaisance Montgomery Hotel & Spa for the accommodations in Montgomery, Alabama.
Look out for Part 2 on our Mississippi stops.
Photo credit: Mackey
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