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Procrastinator’s guide to Christmas Shopping – by David

Ironically, i’m not usually one to procrastinate Christmas shopping. I did however procrastinate writing this post though. So I guess I still fit the stereotype of the last-minute-christmas-guy. In my defense, we’ve made it easy on ourselves over the last few years by deciding not to give each other presents. We decided a while years back that for Christmas and birthdays we’d pick a new place to travel to, and that became our present. This year we decided to mix it up and give each other only 2 gifts, but both have to be experiential. One gift is just for the other, and the other gift for the both of us. Example, and if you’re reading this Amber, this is not your gift ;). A present for Amber could be a spa day for just her, and then a ballroom dance class for both of us. BUT there is still time. So for those of you who are looking for a more conventional, last minute gift for your spouse, significant other, child, or parent, here’s a little guide.

And for those of you who are already done with your shopping, what is the worst gift you’ve ever given and received? I think we all know in hindsight when we’ve given bad gifts. Mine to Amber was definitely Hamstopher, the Russian Dwarf hamster I got her while we were dating. He was NOT nice.

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