Aromatherapy – A Powerful Way To Relax and Enhance Your Environment
Rising healthcare cost, college tuition, job instability … some of us have a lot to worry about. Just about everyone of us could use a little TLC and aromatherapy could be just the thing.
A powerful way to scent a room or relax an individual, aromatherapy can provide just the solution to help bring you to a peaceful and relaxed state of mind.
Aromatherapy Providing Solutions to Everyday Problems
Greeting house guest with a room spray or burning candle is commonplace in most homes. While some products promoting sophisticated scents and essential oils have increased the awareness of aromatherapy, not all have been open to the serious side of promoting it’s therapeutic properties.
In home fragrance for instance, not only is this part of the fragrance industry about scent, it’s also about design element and how imperative it is in creating a successful product.
Candles in beautiful colors and frosted containers provide a wonderful scent and add a sophisticated accent to any room. Not only can we scent our homes, we can also add fragrance to our cars and lockers with sprays and travel friendly devices designed to refresh them anytime and anywhere.
Just imagine having a spritz of grapefruit and tangerine to give you an afternoon pick me up instead of that fifth cup of coffee. Don’t get me wrong, the “aroma” of coffee is a great pick me up also. But drinking to much of it can leave you feeling wired and having you crashing if you take it with too much sugar.
The Art and Science of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a serious science, that when used properly can give tremendous benefits to you, the user.
To smell a true lavender, a true sandalwood or a true rose, is not something that most people have experienced.
When looking for products to scent your space, look to reputable companies that provide you with products that lift you up or mellow you right on out, when needed. You’ll want data sheets on all the oils as well as Country of origin. As you do your research for essential oils, you’ll find yourself purchasing samples of the same oil from different companies.
This is a good thing. As you develop your “Nose” you’ll find that the quality of essential oils will vary. One company might have a great smelling Lavender and a Tea Tree oil that’s just okay. Lavender is an oil you might want to get to know. It’s known to help in relieving stress and help calm the mind.
Start small, testing various oils. Develop a sampling of must have oils for your work space and build as you learn what you like or don’t like. If you’re feeling adventurous, You just might become the next great designer of a true aromatic blend and we’ll be scenting our space with your great smelling product.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel
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