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5 Relaxing Prenatal Yoga Poses


This post is for the expectant mamas–I’m sharing a tutorial with some relaxing prenatal yoga poses! I’ve been practicing yoga since the day I found out I was expecting my little blessing. I even graduated from my Yoga Teacher Training while expecting!

It has truly been an amazing outlet to help with keeping me calm, fit and motivated. I did have to take a break in my second trimester (learn more here). I got back to it in my third trimester and I honestly believe it helped my breech baby turn! Doing yoga while pregnant has many benefits like strengthening your pelvic floor, opening your hips and it is a great form of self-car mentally and emotionally, so it’s only right that I share some of my go-to relaxing prenatal yoga poses with you!

Check out these five relaxing prenatal yoga poses 


1. Seated Side Bend (Parsva Sukhasana)


Start in a seated position with legs crossed. This is also known as easy pose. Next, place your left hand on the floor next to your thigh and lift your right arm overhead  extending through the crown of youer head and stretch to the left. Your gaze can be down to the floor or you can look up. Hold for 10 long breaths and repeat on the opposite side. 

2. Cat Pose (Combine with Cow-see step 3)  

Begin in tabletop with a neutral spine. Align your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders. Inhale deeply.  

On the exhale, round your spine up towards the ceiling, pulling your belly button up toward your spine, and tucking your your chin toward your chest. Your back should have an arch like a cat.

3. Cow Pose


On your inhale, arch your back, let your belly relax and go loose. Lift your head and tailbone up towards the sky — without putting any unnecessary pressure on your neck. This is the Cow portion of the pose.

Continue flowing back and forth from Cat Pose to Cow Pose continuing to pair your breath with each movemenr. 

Repeat for 10-15 rounds, or until your spine is warmed up.

4. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Start on your hands and knees (also known as tabletop position) with your shoulders right above your wrists and your knees aligned with your hips; your fingers should be facing forward. Spread your fingers wide and evenly distribute the weight in your hands as you press through your palms and the bed of your knuckles.

On an exhale, tuck your toes and lift your knees off your mat, while gently straightening your legs. (Don’t lock your knees!) Your body should be in an upside down V shape. Lift through your pelvis while pushing the floor away from you. Lift your tailbone to the ceiling as you press down through your palms and the heels of your feet. Don’t sink into your shoulders; draw your shoulder blades back toward your tailbone. Draw your chest toward your thighs while continuing to press the mat away from you. Relax your head but maintain control as you gaze toward your bellybutton or between your legs. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

To release this pose, gently bend your knees and return to tabletop position.

5. One-Legged King Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)


Starting in tabletop, bring your left knee forward between your hands and lower your hips to the floor keeping your knee bent. Bring your left foot toward your right hip, with the outside of the left shin resting on the floor. Slide your right leg toward the back of the mat and gently lower your leg to the floor with knees and toes facing down.  

If it’s comfortable slowly slide your right leg forward until it’s parallel to the front edge of your mat. Place your fingertips or hands on the floor right underneath your shoulders, roll your shoulders back, and inhale. Exhale as you focus on hugging your thighs toward your centerline while gently pressing into your hips. Take 10 long, slow breaths in this pose and repeat on the opposite side. 

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Here’s a hip and heart-opening yoga sequence that’s safe for expecting moms to help you start your day!

Ciao Bellas,

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