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Can Meditating Become Part of Your Black Skin Care Regimen?

Add meditating to your Black Skin Care RegimenMeditation?! Becoming part of your black skin care regimen? Why not? After all, what better way to calm anxiety, slow your breathing and go into a Wu Sa (wooosah)  moment than to meditate.

I struggled with this one. To sit still for any length of time was a challenge. When you’ve got a thousand and one things to do and in a short period of time, the thought of meditating is scary. Stop? Are you kidding? The only time I’d sit still was when I was sitting on the side of my bed about to go into the horizontal position and pass out.

It caught up with me. As well as what I was eating, I began to feel tired.  My skin was looking dull and I was having breakouts. Not good. I had to do something about my situation or I’d find myself in trouble. I could feel it coming.

Tai Chi and Qi Gong

Since I personally found it difficult to stop, I had to find a way to meditate while in motion. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are often referred to as moving meditations.

Qi Gong is a way to clear out the mental, physical and emotional blockages impeding the flow of your qi — or energy — and diminishing your vital life force. Tai chi on the other hand is considered a form of self defense. Both help you cultivate your Chi – energy – and strengthen you internally.Tai chi Black Skin Care Regimen

Building You Energy, Changes the Appearance of Your Skin

When you build and cultivate your life force – energy, it causes any built up sludge in your blood and system to move through. Your beauty begins from within. This is an important part of your skin care regimen.

Beauty products enhance the internal work you’re doing. Eating the right foods, drinking lots of water and slow moving exercises that can serve as a form of meditation are all part of your regimen.

Moving to a Sitting Meditation With Tibetan Bowls

Both tai chi and qi gong helped me slow my pace and enabled me to move to a sitting form of meditation. I’m actually still for about 20 minutes. I sit with my back against the wall with legs in lotus position.

I tried all kinds of music and found that the bowls resonated with my spirit. In other words, it “Felt” right. For some, meditation is like ingesting a magic pill. You swallow it and feel mellowed out as if you’d had a magic potion.

The thing about internal work is that the more you do it, the better you look and feel. Meditation is more soft and gentle on your body than running. The key is that the more you move your body and circulate your blood, the better your skin is going to look and feel to the touch.

Finally …

It has taken me years to get to this point of relaxation. Even when I go to the beach, I’m walking at sunrise and sunset or reading during the day. I’ve learned that it’s alright to do nothing. This took time. The more quiet your mind, the more relaxed you are. The more relaxed you are the better your skin looks and feels.

Meditation is definitely good to add as part of your skin care regimen. After all, a regimen is just steps we take to better or enhance a process. Consider looking into meditation of some kind, you’ll be glad you did and so will your skin.

That’s it for this week. As always…

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Can Meditating Become Part of Your Black Skin Care Regimen? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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