8 Shoulder-Opening Yoga Poses For Breastfeeding Moms
Being a mom has been a beautiful learning process for me–I absolutely adore my sonshine!
While I am embracing this beautiful process, breastfeeding has been quite the adventure. Especially, when it comes to how I position my body and hold baby to feed him. Lifting and positioning baby is no joke and it can cause a lot of strain on your shoulders and neck.
Fret not, mommies, I’m here to help!
Here Are 8 Shoulder-Opening Yoga Poses For Breastfeeding Moms.
1. Wide-Legged Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Starting on all fours, exhale and lower your hips toward your heels with your knees wide and big toes touching. Lower your forehead with your arms resting with the palms facing up on each side of your legs. Stay in this posture or extend your arms towards the end of your mat with your palms facing down pressing into your mat with. Keep your fingers widely spread and firmly press your thumb and pointer finger into your mat. Hold for 5 full breaths, pressing your stomach to your thighs on each inhale.
Repeat this sequence on the opposite side.
2. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Start on your hands and knees (also known as tabletop position) with your shoulders right above your wrists and your knees aligned with your hips; your fingers should be facing forward. Spread your fingers wide and evenly distribute the weight in your hands as you press through your palms and the bed of your knuckles.
On an exhale, tuck your toes and lift your knees off your mat, while gently straightening your legs. (Don’t lock your knees!) Your body should be in an upside down V shape. Lift through your pelvis while pushing the floor away from you. Lift your tailbone to the ceiling as you press down through your palms and the heels of your feet. Don’t sink into your shoulders; draw your shoulder blades back toward your tailbone. Draw your chest toward your thighs while continuing to press the mat away from you. Relax your head but maintain control as you gaze toward your bellybutton or between your legs. Hold for 5 full breaths.
To release this pose, gently bend your knees and return to tabletop position.
3. Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Start on your hands and knees (also known as tabletop position). Lower your elbows to the floor directly beneath your shoulders.
On an exhale, tuck your toes and lift your knees off your mat, while gently straightening your legs. (Don’t lock your knees!). Keep your feet where they are—don’t walk them closer to your hands. Focus on keeping a flat back. If your back rounds—bend your knees until your spine is straight. Align your ears with your upper arms and draw your chest toward your thighs. Hold for 5 full breaths.
To release this pose, gently bend your knees, and p return to tabletop position.
4. Revolved Side Angle Pose With a Bind (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Start in forward fold and bend your knees. On an inhale, step your left back toward the back edge of your mat. Press the ball of your foot into your mat. Your right knee should be at a 90-degree angle. Frame your right foot with your hands. Lower your ribs to your right thigh an slowly lift your hands to heart’s center.
Bring the left elbow to the outside of the right knee. Take a bind by reaching the left hand under yout right knee and grabbing your right hand behind your back. Press your should blades together and take gaxe ahead or toward the sky.
5. Chair Pose With a Twist (Utkatasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Begin by standing with feet hips width apart and feet firmly planted. Exhale as you bend your knees, lowering your hips as if you’re about to sit in a chair—tuck your tailbone to lengthen your spine and engage the core. Lift your toes to ensure you’re resting on all four corners of your feet. On in inhale, lift your hands above your head, bring palms together and lower them to your heart’s center with your thumbs pressing into your chest.
Exhale and twist your torso to the left, bringing your left elbow to the outside of the right knee. Your knees my shift, but adjust to keep them parallel and aligned with each other. Lift through the crown of your head and focus on drawing your right shoulder blade back towards the middle of your back, allowing your gaze to drift forward facing your hands. Hold for 5 full breaths.
To come out, twist back to center facing forward and straighten your legs.
6. Standing Half Forward Fold with a Twist

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Begin in a tall standing pose with feet parallel (big toes touching) and firmly planted with your hands on your hips. Cross your left foot in front of your right foot.
Exhale as you slowly bend forward until your back is flat. Bring the right hand to the outside of your left foot and lift your left hand toward the sky. Focus on stacking your shoulders and squeezing your shoulder blades together for a deep stretch.
Hold for 5 full breaths.
7. Wide-Legged Standing Forward-Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Start by standing on your mat with your hands on your hips. Step your feet wide (as far as you can comfortably spread them) with your heels aligned. Take a deep inhale in as you lengthen your torso as if you’re trying to put your head through the ceiling. On an exhale bend forward at the hips, while focusing on keeping your torso long and your back straight. Keep your neck neutral as you drop your head to gaze behind you. Clasp your hands behind your back and rest them on your sacrum and slowly lift them with your knuckles facing toward the sky.
If you can’t reach the floor, rest your hands on yoga blocks or books. You can also rest your hands on your ankles, which is what I did in the photo above. Shift your weight into the balls of your feet and keep your hips aligned with your ankles. Draw your belly button up to your spine and focus on your breathing. Hold for 5 full breaths. To release, bring your hands to your hips and press through your feet as you inhale to lift your torso, while maintaining a flat back.
8. Tabletop Pose With Hands Clasped & Lifted

Photo by @thisjenngirl
Begin in tabletop with a neutral spine. Align your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders with the top of your feet resting on your mat.
Slowly lower your chest towards the floor (bending your elbows) resting your forehead on your mat. Engage your core to maintain your balance. Clasp your hands behind your back and lift your arms so our knuckles are facing the sky. Draw your chin toward your chest to go deeper into this stretch.
To come out, lower your hands back to the mat and slowly lift your head from the mat.
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Need more yoga? Check out this invigorating morning yoga flow.
Ciao Bellas,