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3 Ways I’m Using Technology For Carefree Living


Technology isn’t just amazing for staying ahead of trends, it’s also a tool that can enhance your self-care routine to help you embrace more carefree living!

There’s no denying that we live in an age where we are constantly looking at our phones. While, I think it’s very important to step away from technology and have quiet time for yourself, I also know that as someone who works in the digital space for full-time (Like myself) putting my phone down for a long period of time is impossible. That’s why I’ve learned new ways to incorporate technology in my self-care routine. 

Here are 3 of my go-to ways I’m using technology for carefree living.


Photos by @thisjenngirl

Inspirational Audio Books

My morning commute can be long and hectic, so I’m very intentional about listening to things that keep me motivated and inspired. I have a bit of anxiety about driving in rush hour traffic because I’ve been hit multiple times by crazy drivers, so I’ve learned to take my time. Plus, having my 5-month old in the car makes me even more cautious of the scares of driving in a big city.

I’m always looking for ways to better myself personally and professionally– audio books on Audible are food for my soul!

Fave Audible Books: Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person, What I Know For Sure, The Power of Now, The Wisdom of Sundays




The breath is the gateway to living a happy, healthy life, and connecting to your breath is a pivotal part of practicing self-care. I’m very intentional about taking a moment to breathe when I feel myself getting overwhelmed. Even if I’m in the midst of feeling flustered or angry about something, I stop and take a deep breath.

One of my go-to apps for tapping into my breath is Breathe+. It allows you to  set the length of your breath cycles and keeps track of them . It’s a simple tool that is great to utilize, even if it’s just for a few minutes daily.  


outfit details: Romper (asos)/ Steve Madden heels (similar)


My Notes app on my iPhone has become my go-to source for not just jotting down yoga routines and to-do lists, it’s an outlet for writing my thoughts as well!

I use my Notes app to write poems, journal and to even write letters to myself. It’s a great way to pass time when I don’t have a physical journal or notebook handy.


How are you using technology for carefree living?

Cioa Bellas,

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