Can the Secret to Black Skin Care Be Found on Google, YouTube or Social Media?
Can the secret to black skin care be found on search engines or social media channels? This is an updated version of an article I wrote about a year ago. I had to revisit the subject and bring the information back into focus.
For some reason, this week, I got a lot of phone calls from women that were facing challenges with their skin. Why? Because they were taking information they got from YouTube, in particular, applying the techniques and “Jacking Up” their skin. The secret you’re looking for could turn out to be a nightmare for you.
Don’t get me wrong, the search engines and social media channels can be great resources for research and getting questions answered about almost everything. The challenge lies in how you use the information you get.
Your beautiful black skin and I’m sure you’d like to keep it that way, takes special care. It takes training, special training I might add to care for your skin. Not only are you working with skin in general, you’ve got the added essence of melanin. Melanin is what gives you your color. You are a carbon based being and as such your melanin absorbs all types of energy. So how do you care for it?
Here are a few Do’s and Don’t to follow when viewing Dr Google, YouTube and Social Media in general.
Do look for a professional skin care therapist that’s well versed in caring for melanated skin.
Don’t follow every video you see on the tube trying to remove dark spots, hyper pigmentation, dry or oily skin. Who’s the person giving you the information. If they’re not a professional, you could be viewing something from a person that has no in depth knowledge about the workings of skin and they’re only giving you their opinion about what they’ve found to work for them. Your skin is not their skin.
Do put a skin care regimen in place that you can work with at home and get the desired results you seek.
Don’t use harsh abrasives trying to remove dead skin cells from your face. Nut scrubs can often be to harsh for your skin. Then there’s your thinking that the harder I scrub the more dead skin I’ll remove. while it’s true you’ll be removing more dead skin cells, you’ll also be causing damage to your your skin. You’ll unknowingly re causing scrapes and cuts. This will cause dark spots and scabs because now it has to heal.
Do learn all that you can about your skin and how to care for it. If your challenge is oily skin, what products are best used to help minimize oil production? On the other hand if you’re challenged with dry skin, what are the best moisturizers that will help your skin become more moisturized and hydrated?
Don’t use those microdermabrasion machines that you buy from big box discount stores. This is serious! If trained professionals have a challenge with microdermabrasion and dark skin beauties, how well do you think you’ll do with machines run on batteries and not made from the best parts.
Do know that the beauty of your skin begins from within. Eat lots of green foods, fruits and whole grains. In order to maintain a beautiful black complexion, a wholistic (whole body approach) is necessary for the best results. Eat the best foods you can afford, organic would be ideal.
Do not use bleaching creams on your skin. The ingredients used in bleaching creams actually thins your skin and makes it more susceptible and vulnerable to the suns rays. You will definitely burn and face a higher possibility of getting skin cancer. Please stop using toothpaste thinking you can lighten your skin. Yes, toothpaste. This week alone, three women tried toothpaste to lighten their skin.
Ladies ….
The secret to black skin care does not reside on a video found on the internet. You can gain knowledge about a lot of things when it comes to caring for your beautiful skin using the internet. More often than not, you will do more harm than good. The best advise is to tread waters lightly. Do not jump at every tip and technique looking for a quick fix, especially when it comes to bleaching and lightening your skin. Use the internet as a resource and seek council with skin care therapist that know and understand your melanated skin, up close and personal.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty!
Juliette Samuel
Esthetician/Author/ Publisher
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