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Holiday Travel Tips for Dark Skin Beauties

dark skin beauties, holiday travel

Okay dark skin beauties, as we work our way into the Holiday Season, for a lot of you travel will be part of the picture.

Over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house you’ll go, to share stories, gifts and laughter as you join family members for the traditional holiday feast of the year.

As you travel via, trains, planes or automobiles, your skin and health will become stressed. It’s a known fact that travel via planes, is extremely toxic and drying to your skin. That tight compartment is also ripe to serve as germ central.

Dark Skin Beauties Protecting Your Skin During Holiday Travel

Anytime you’re traveling, drink plenty of water. I can hear you now … that brings on too many bathroom stops. While it might, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to relieve yourself in airports and even on road trips, major exists provide truck stops and restaurants to make your bathroom pit stop.

Water instead of juice, why? Because the sugar in juices will add to extra dehydration of your skin. The same rule applies to coffee. Although a lot of you can drink your coffee black, there are those of you that have coffee with your cream and sugar.

Sugar causes you to crash. It makes you feel tired and sleepy. Sugar can also cause inflammation in the skin of some of you. Hence, puffy skin and bags under your eyes.

Moisturize – There’s nothing worse that dry itchy skin on a normal day. Add travel and stress to it and your skin gets worse. Clean your face right before you’re scheduled to leave and be sure to apply a good moisturizer.

Facial Serum – Oily skin will benefit from a good aloe based serum to minimize the oil. If it’s got some skin loving essential oils in it, that’s even better.

Facial Toner – If traveling by plane, keep a small container of toner in your purse to mist your face during your flight. The best way to apply it is when to go to the restroom, clean your hands really good and mist your face. No over kill, just enough to give a boost of added moisture to your skin. In a car, you can mist at will.

Dark Skin Beauties Protecting Your Health During Holiday Travel

• A week or so before you’re scheduled to travel, consider taking herbal teas, such as elderberry or echinacea, to reduce your chance of getting sick.

• Bump up your vitamin C intake. If you’re taking 500 mg, increase it to 1000

• Have a pack of wet wipes. Am I going overboard with the wet wipes? You bet your sweet keister I am. Traveling by plane, wipe down everything … armrest, tray table, overhead light and air control, even the visor for the window shade. Do you realize how many people don’t wash their hands after bathroom use? Better yet, think about the amount of people you see coughing into their hands.

• Some people eat garlic the day before travel. This doesn’t always make for a pleasant experience. The purpose is to help reduce the possibility of respiratory infection. Raw Ginger has been known to work for some of you and provide the same results.

• Please don’t travel if YOU’RE sick. Now you become the one that everybody holds the cross up to as if you’re Dracula. If at all possible, use those days to rest your body and give yourself a chance to heal.

Enjoy your family during the holiday season. The key is to minimize your stress level, protect your skin and your health as well. That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care

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