Be Gentle With Yourself
Happy New Year, framily!
The beginning of a New Year is a time of introspection, reflection and projection. While this kind of self-assessment is absolutely healthy and necessary for mapping out your next steps for the year ahead, I encourage you to be kind to yourself.
It’s so easy to assess the previous year by observing everything that went wrong and basing our measure of success on those things. Sometimes, we get so caught up in what didn’t go right that we allow it to overshadow all of the good that came our way.
Now, I’m not telling you to pretend like there isn’t room for improvement because that’s an essential part of growth, but I am saying that you deserve to celebrate your triumphs as well.

Photos by @thisjenngirl
As I reflect on 2018, I can honestly say that I had a blessed year that was defined by new beginnings—the biggest of which was becoming a mom!
It hasn’t been picture-perfect at all, but every moment—god or not-so-good—had purpose. Did I have sleepless nights? Yes. Did I want to throw in the towel during hard times? Yes. Am I able to recognize that what didn’t kill me made me stronger? Yes!
Outfit Details: Gabrielle Union Collection Red Cape Jumpsuit /Truffle Collection (similar)
I may not see the fruit of the labor from the tough moments that I endured in 2018 this year and possibly not for the next five years, but I believe that I will have my aha-moment when the time is right.
Isn’t it funny how that happens? There have been times when I’ve hit what felt like rock bottom only to move past it and have a moment where I reflect on that hard time in my life and realize that it was not in vain. Every moment matters, so be intentional with your reaction.
God hasn’t failed me yet and I’ve become quite the “faith it until you make it” practitioner! I pray that you are gentle with yourself as you reflect on the past year. It may not have been perfect, but you made it through! Take a moment to revel in that. You survived! I’m looking forward to what 2019 has in store for us.
Cheers to a blessed 2019!
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Ciao Bellas,