Basic Skin Care for Black Men
Basic skin care for Black Men? Oh Yeah! Great skin is often the result of great habits that have numerous benefits. In relation to black men’s skin care, there are some who are genetically blessed with skin that is youthful and an even complexion with very few breakouts.
For most of us, we have to take special care of our skin and practice healthy behaviors in all areas of our life.
Understanding how to nourish your skin both inside and out helps you to create a personalized routine that will keep you looking young and vibrant for many years to come, with improved confidence and better health.
Skin care for black men isn’t as complicated as many males tend to think. While men watch women devote large amounts of time to developing routines that give them radiant and clear skin, this doesn’t have to be the case. It’s true that men tend to have skin that is oilier, but it is also more durable and thick than that of a woman’s.
Basic Skin Care for Black Men – 6 Basic Guidelines
Follow these six basic care guidelines to create the perfect skin care regimen for black men’s skin to improve your appearance for clear skin you can be proud of.
1. Know the importance of timing and routine.
Decide how much time you can realistically devote to skin care. For many in today’s busy world, time is limited. Still, there are those who have extra time for a more complex skin care routine. The morning and night are the best times to remove impurities and rejuvenate the skin.
Developing the habit of cleaning the skin and daily protection isn’t as daunting of a task as some may think. Most often, men who begin to take better care of their face start to enjoy it and look forward to its benefits.
2. Understand your skin.
If you know the type of skin you have, it’s easier to decide the proper course of treatment. One of the best things about natural skin care is that it can be catered to your specific needs. Skin types are oily, dry, normal, and combination skin. Oily skin has a greasier look and feel.
Dry skin tends to crack, be itchy and flaky, and has no radiant shine to it. Combination skin is dry in some spots and oily in others. Normal skin is the preferred skin type. It has just the right amounts of oils that doesn’t lead to breakouts.
3. Keep it clean.
Cleaning your skin is a must and the right cleanser will get deep down into the pores. It gets rid of bacteria, dirt, and germs that cause your skin to react badly with breakouts.
Unbeknownst to some, many products claim to provide a deep clean, but leaves an invisible residue behind instead. Because of this, organic cleansers tend to do a better job. Your cleanser should be based on natural ingredients and void of overpowering additives such as alcohol.
An ingredient to look for in a good cleanser is: Green Tea.
4. Exfoliate.
Many men equate exfoliation with scrubs and facials provided at luxurious spas made for the ladies in need of pampering. This is true for some, but for many, exfoliation is an easy process that can be done quickly in the privacy of the home to achieve the same results that are found at a spa.
The top option for men is the exfoliating cleanser, a cleanser that provides a deep cleaning while removing dead skin cells simultaneously.
An ingredient to look for in an exfoliating cleanser is: Jojoba beads.
5. Toning.
If you are already set with a cleanser of choice, use a toner to make the most of its cleaning benefits. Toners remove dirt so well that many report a natural lightening of the skin and a more even skin tone.
A toner ingredient to look for is: Aloe Vera.
6. Moisturizing.
After a truly deep clean, your face needs moisture. There is a moisturizer for every skin type, and it’s necessary to keep the skin from aging prematurely. A moisturizer does more than provide moisture to combat dryness. It fights off wrinkles and keeps hyperpigmentation from forming. Skin that is well moisturized is also better able to combat the damages of the sun.
When it comes to the elements of nature, the sun can provide us with a healthy dose of Vitamin D in proper doses. Unfortunately, we are often exposed to the sun for too long and at times that when the sun’s rays are harshest. While this can be unavoidable, we can defend our skin with sunscreen that shields us from the sun while providing us with additional protective moisture.
Ingredients to look for in moisturizers and sunscreen: Shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado, and natural glycerin.
Finally …
If you follow a complete routine of skin care, you can also remedy the issue of ingrown hairs that plagues many men of color. Clean skin that is well hydrated is less likely to develop razor bumps and can better repair itself after shaving.
Furthermore, there are quite a few pre-shave products that guard your delicate skin before you begin to shave and just as many that will help to soothe the skin after a close shave that could otherwise lead to irritation, bumps, and scarring.
That’s it for this week. As always, we’re ….
Dedicated to the Health of Your Skin
Juliette Samuel
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