How to Have Beautiful Black Skin By Cleansing Your Colon
Beautiful black skin begins with cleansing your colon. Your health in general begins with a clean colon.
It’s only natural that your skin would reflect the results. While this might not be the most flattering subject to discuss, it’s definitely necessary.
Why Is It Important to Cleanse Your Colon and Digestive Tract for Beautiful Black Skin?
Cleansing your colon can keep your beautiful black skin looking flawless. Most of you think of your colon when you want to do a fast or detox. When you detox you’re removing impurities from your blood, liver, kidneys and other organs. Those impurities need a pathway to exit your body. You’re colon is that exit point.
As simple as it is sounds, your colon must be open and moving smoothly for impurities and sludge to move through. If this doesn’t happen, this causes a series of problems. The toxins are circling back through your body. When this happens, your skin will begin to breakout, discoloration will occur not to mention bad breath and dusty looking skin. Your body should release what you eat after every meal that you eat. How many of you have this luxury?
Most people don’t. As frightening as it is, a lot of people don’t have a bowel movement after every meal they eat. A good skin care regimen should follow the cleansing/detox of your body. As your skin purges toxins, you should be removing dead skin cells with natural and organic beauty products. They will help enhance the natural glow that is developing as you cleanse your colon.
Beautiful Black Skin Begins With Cleansing Your Colon. To Help Move Sludge Through Your Colon …
You’ll need to eat enough fiber rich foods. You might want to have items from the list below to help you keep things moving.
Beans, Collard Greens, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, , Brussel Sprouts, Flax Seed and Chia Seeds are excellent sources of fiber to keep your colon flushed.
Speaking of flushing …your colon is part of the sewer line in your body. In order for waste to get removed from your home, you need water to flush it into the drains and remove it from your house. The same rule applies to your colon. Water is a key factor in removing toxins, impurities and sludge from your colon and digestive track.
A rule of thumb is that you drink half your body weight in ounces daily and NOT with your meals. You want to space your water intake our throughout the day. Not keeping your body hydrated can lead to more toxic buildup in your body. When toxins accumulate, you now risk constipation, gas and bloating. As you body becomes overloaded with waste, you’ll also feel fatigued.
How Often Should You Do An Intense Colon Cleanse?
Many people do colon cleanses during the change of seasons. So that puts you at 4 times a year if you’re follow this pattern. When you look for herbs to assist you with your cleansing, fennel, turmeric, slippery elm, cascara sagrada, aloe vera, licorice root and ginger are a few that have worked well for a lot of you.
Disclaimer: You are of course advised to consult your doctor. None of what is written is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel
The post How to Have Beautiful Black Skin By Cleansing Your Colon appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.