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Wholistic Skin Care for Dark Skinned Beauties

Dark Skinned BeautyWholistic skin care for dark skinned beauties is taking a whole body approach to nurturing and caring for your skin. Wholistic skin care has to include what you eat, meditation and movement of your body.

A Wholistic Skin Care Regimen for Dark Skinned Beauties

Yes, your beauty products will play a roll in the beauty of your skin. However, it’s your internal approach that gives you the greatest results. Without placing full emphasis on a whole body approach to caring for your skin, your beauty products will only serve as a band aid affect.

Have your skin care regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing in place, knowing that the component of food, meditation and exercise will all play their roll.

Whole Foods for Dark Skinned Beauties

I often talk about the beauty of your skin beginning in your colon. Did you know that food can sit in your colon for weeks? Your skin is the bullhorn that announces to you that something is wrong internally.

You might experience, skin discoloration, pimples popping up and possible inflammation. Why? Because the waste in your colon has not moved through, and is causing discomfort and dis-ease in your system.

For the 100th time: You Are What You Eat!  There is no beauty without taking in proper nutrition.

Lots of vegetables, especially leafy greens, along with grains, fresh fruit and lots of water will keep your system clean and hydrated. Starting your day off with a green drink will kick start your system and digestive juices.  You can follow up with 8 ounces of water,  acts as a great beginning for your day.

Looking for that shot of caffeine? Try replacing coffee with green tea. Did I just get side eyed from every direction? Give up my coffee? Okay, try green tea at least 3 times a week.

Finding Your Om State for Dark Skinned Beauties

Finding calm in a world of noise takes deliberate action. Meditation, yoga and Tai Chi, all offer you an opportunity to slow down. Did you know that your skin gets its greatest boost when you sleep at night? That’s because, you’ve shut everything down. Your skin rejuvenates at night. A night time regimen is just as important as a morning skin care regimen. Possibly even more so.

The only encounter your skin will have at night is with your pillow case. Mornings/daytime hours put you into all the pollution, exhaust and airborne bacteria from ducts in your office environment. All of these elements put stress on your skin.

Use your lunch hour to find a quiet place to meditate. This will help you break the noise of the day. To Meditate does not necessarily mean sitting in the lotus position and chanting. If there’s a park close by, take a stroll among the trees, allowing them to provide you will stillness and calm. This is also a way to meditate.

A Body in Motion Provides Wholistic Beauty

Your meditative stroll provides you with a form of movement. While it’s not a brisk walk, you are in motion and your body and skin are benefiting from the movement. Tai Chi is a perfect example of a slow moving meditation. Your body benefits from the toning of muscles and blood circulation gained by performing Tai Chi.

The greater the circulation of blood, the better you skin looks and feels.

That’s it for this week. As always, we’re …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Wholistic Skin Care for Dark Skinned Beauties appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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