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Do You Really Need Makeup in Warm Weather?

Makeup in Warm WeatherMakeup in warm weather?! Some women wouldn’t be caught dead without their makeup. Other’s feel it a duty to show their natural beauty. The key becomes, how much makeup, if any.

Caring for Your Face When Wearing Makeup in Warm Weather

As the temperatures warm up you will have a tendency to sweat. This brings an uncomfortable feeling, especially when wiping your face will smear your makeup. There are a few do’s and don’t when caring for your skin in warm weather.

Do: Begin your morning with a skin care regimen. Cleanse, tone and moisturize. Your regimen will prep your skin for the day. Applying makeup to clean skin is a must.

If you don’t take this step, you run the risk of buildup, increasing the risk of black heads and breakouts. Yes, there are people that don’t “thoroughly” clean their face before applying makeup.

Don’t: When wearing makeup, don’t wipe your face when sweating, pat your face. Wiping has a tendency to pull your skin. Depending on how much makeup you wear, you’ll be removing it as well as pulling your skin with each tug.

Do: Use a primer. Primers go on after your moisturizer and before your makeup. Look for primers with hyaluronic acid. They often soften wrinkles and minimize imperfections all while keeping your makeup in place.

Don’t: If you don’t like the heavy feel that makeup can often have, don’t use it!

Do: Wear a sun protection product. Because we’re all individual universes, products will react to each of us in different ways. Some of you can wear sunscreens. Others of you prefer essential oil based products that protect your skin just as a sunscreen would.

Still Want the Look of Makeup in Warm Weather Without Wearing It?

Bronzers and blush can give your skin the appearance of wearing makeup.  They also provide a more natural makeup appearance to your skin. You don’t have to use a lot of either. By hitting your high points: forehead, cheekbones, chin and nose you can have the look of makeup without the full application.

Bronzers and blush can also give you a more natural look, which in some cases can cause your to actually look younger. Go figure!

Do you really need makeup in warm weather? Not necessarily! However, if you choose to wear it, you got a few tips on how to use it.

That’s it for this week. As always, we’re …

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Do You Really Need Makeup in Warm Weather? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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