Why did I see such a big improvement when I first started a new skincare routine?
You very well might be correct in what you are seeing. What can happen with people is their skin can reach a visible plateau where they forget what their skin looked like before they started using new products. For example, let’s say your goal is to brighten your skin and you recently started using an exfoliating acid serum and a vitamin C serum, which you have never used before. These types of products will give fast results, and it’s not uncommon for us to hear from our customers “I just started using your products two weeks ago and I can already see a huge difference!” What occurs is that once these type of products have started to fade unwanted pigment from your skin and create a more even-toned look, there are fewer results that you might see over time. It’s simply a perception situation in that what you are seeing now is the new normal.
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