How Do We Make Life Better Again?
How Do We Make Life Better Again Working From Home?
I wanted to touch base with you and see how you were doing through all of the chaos.
Just when you thought you had things all worked out , The Coronavirus, appears out of no where.
Yes, it’s easier to speak of the negative and harp on all the madness you see during news conferences. However, it’s better for you physically, mentally and spiritually to look forward to and speak of better times.
Remember the basic guidelines set in place by the CDC. Don’t neglect your common sense either.
Make Life Better Working From Home
For some of you, this whole work at home thing is your typical day. Yet for others, it represents a new learning curve in computer, cell phone and desk top use … for business.
Working from home, can bring challenges for us all. I remember my first work-from-home experience. More than anything, I had to shift my mindset and get organized. I couldn’t chat for hours and expect to be productive. Everything had to be set into time slots and adhered to. From wake up to sign off, My life was on a strategic schedule.
Don’t neglect your beauty regimen. Your skin and hair are under stress at this time. Keep them healthy. It’s also a very good idea to get dressed as though you’re going to leave your home. Treat it as a constant Casual Friday attire day.
While you’re not on the clock, in essence, you are on the clock. Know that it’s just a new way of doing things and you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
Resilience in Challenging Times
Some of you will rise above the adversity and become entrepreneurs. It could possibly be re-creating existing and necessary products, like soaps, deodorant and perfumes.
Delivery of essential goods are coming. However, they are slow to arrive. If you’re not in the store when the truck pulls in and shelves are stocked, you might miss items like soap, deodorant or your favorite scent. It might prompt you to remember that kit you purchased last year, when you thought you’d test your soap making and perfume skills.
Light bulb moment !! You pull it out, along with those essential oils you’ve been learning about. Uh oh … creativity blossoms.
Take advantage of this opportunity. Yes it is an opportunity. I know you’ve got to pay the bills. We all do. It doesn’t stop your mind from planning and moving on an idea you’ve had for years. Put pen to paper. Whaaat? You mean, Write it out? Yes, write it out. This is your first commitment to your budding idea. Watch it blossom.
That it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty And Wellness
Peace and Blessings
Juliette Samuel
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