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Caring for African American Skin With Great Ingredients!

Caring for African American Skin With Great Ingredients!Caring for African American skin. Good skin is both nature and nurture. Your genes may bless you with smooth skin but if you abuse it through the wrong product ingredients, bad diet, being a couch potato, smoking, alcohol and other environmental factors, you’re sure to have breakouts and other skin challenges.

Each skin type has its own challenges so a personalized approach is best in order to get great results.

If you are fortunate to have black skin or a dark complexion, the most common skin problems are sensitivity to various products and pigmentation. But just like any other skin type, the remedy is not complicated. A diligent skin care regimen is all you need to keep it supple, smooth and looking its best.

Great Ingredients are Key

It is important to know what your skin care product contains. So the first question should be what ingredients are good for African American skin? 

Natural and organic ingredients are best if you can find the right formulation. There are many products available today that claim to be natural and organic. Yet many of them include harsh ingredients such as petroleum, hydroquinone or benzoyl peroxide.

There are many more chemicals that can make your skin break out so stay as natural as possible.

Natural Ingredients Often Give the Best Results

Go for ingredients such as:

Aloe vera gel is soothing to sunburned skin. It also contains antioxidants, enzymes Vitamins A and C. It’s anti-inflammatory and can help with burns acne and dry skin.

Jojoba, olive and grapeseed oils – These are carrier oils that are used for the dilution of essential oils. They are also used when making massage or scalp oils.

Rosemary, sage, citrus and other essential oils are great for various skin care challenges. Essential oils are anti- bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. It will depend largely on the oil you use and the challenge you’re caring for.

Shea butter and cocoa butter – These butters are the foundation for a lot of body creams used on your skin. They soften as well as fade and reduce scaring. Shea butter is known to fight off infections and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Some of these ingredients are only available as extracts in formulation but make sure that you get it from reputable brands.

When shopping, ask for samples or purchase a sample kit. Try it on a small portion of your neck. If there are no adverse reaction after 24 hours, the product is okay to use. 

Green tea and grape seed extracts are great for calming your skin and healing its cells. You may try it for a few days and see how your skin reacts.

African American skin …

Your skin is prone to acne and discoloration, so if you can refrain from using too many skin products at one time, it’s better. What you need are just the essentials- a gentle cleanser, a toner, a moisturizer and sunscreen. Yes, even dark skin complexions, needs protection from the harmful UV rays.

If you’re taking medications, your skin may become even more sensitive. If you’re using antibiotics, birth control pills, even multivitamins, you may have to change the current products that you’re using.

Acne may be a sign that your skin is reacting unfavorably to a recent product that you might have used. It could possibly be the result of foods that you may have eaten. Consult your dermatologist or esthetician to find out what ingredients are good for your skin.

Keeping it Simple …

Keeping your skin care regimen simple is the way to go in caring for your beautiful black skin. When you’re not sure what type of skin you have, always go for products formulated for sensitive skin.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,


Nyraju Skin Care

The post Caring for African American Skin With Great Ingredients! appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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