How to Have a Remarkable Sense of Style In a Global Pandemic
How to Have a Remarkable Sense of Style In a Global Pandemic
A remarkable sense of style in a global pandemic? Why would anyone think about style, fashion or beauty for that matter in the midst of a global pandemic? Why? Because it could be the very therapy a lot of people need, in order to have a sense of familiarity, not to mention sanity.
The very act of revamping your wardrobe can be life changing for some. It takes your thoughts away from reality if only for a few hours. It’s often said that people are born with style, it’s not something that can be learned. How will you know if you have style? Who sets the criteria for what style is?
Your confidence level will determine whether or not you have a remarkable sense of style. Your can have the right color combination, the right silhouette for your body and the perfect shoe. Yet, if you don’t have the confidence to carry it off, you’re dead in the water.
Style in a Global Pandemic
A perfect example of a sense of style in a global pandemic is the wearing of mask. Have you seen the mask lately? Sequins, patterns, textures, not to mention colors. You’re coordinating your mask with your outfits.
Your attitude is: if I must wear it, it’s got to look good.
Think about it. When the pandemic first hit, we were all in shock and didn’t care how we looked running out to the grocery store. It has allowed a lot of you to clean your closets and really get strategic in what you wear.
You’ve discovered a new way of thinking about how you choose to look and what you want to wear. Going into the office everyday was a burden for some of you. You were spending money on clothes that didn’t flatter you and more importantly, they weren’t comfortable.
Now that you’ve been working remotely, your wardrobe has taken on a new look and feel. You’re not as stressed about how you look … on Zoom. You’ve created a backdrop for those times you must show your face and the tops you choose are versatile, more relaxed and more comfortable.
What About Your Skin?
While you might not think so, your skin is equally important in a global pandemic. Stress brings untold damage to your skin and hair, and a pandemic can raise the level to the 25th power.
Therefore, a Great skin care regimen has become more important than layers of makeup that will clog your pores. Those $400 eyelashes are not necessary, and will no longer damage your eye lids. Yes ladies, the glue is not good on your lids.
Simple Elegance Speaks Volumes In Style and Fashion in A Global Pandemic
Don’t take the words simple or elegant lightly. If you’ve heard the term less is more, you’ll know that oftentimes, the less you do, the better, more elegant you look. If you want attention, the right attention, try this approach and see how much more noticed you are.
Never dress to compete for attention. Dress to command respect and you’ll get the attention you seek. This is all part of having a remarkable sense of style.
The global pandemic has forced you to change your thinking on how you choose your wardrobe pieces. Always shop your closet first, before purchasing any new items. You’ll be surprised at how many new combinations you’ll come up with.
It’s possible you’ve learned that you can live with less than you thought, when it comes to dressing. That way of thinking puts extra money in your pocket.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
The post How to Have a Remarkable Sense of Style In a Global Pandemic appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.