A Simple How to Guide of Essential Oils for Dark Skin Beauties
Essential oils for dark skin beauties. Want to get your glow on? Even out your skin tone? Find a solution for your maturing skin challenges? Help your scalp and hair as well? Essential oils have been known to help with that.
Who doesn’t love a good smelling oil? Essential oils can bring out the best in most people. Okay, there are some of you that don’t like the smell of them. Could it be that you’re accustomed to smelling “fragrance” oils? You know … the ones that smell good, but are synthetic and can cause damage to your skin and hair when used.
If that’s the case, you don’t know what “real” essential oils smell like. The aroma is just part of the benefits you receive when you use them. Their benefits outweigh anything that a synthetic oil would bring.
Did you know that essential oils have been known to enhance your mood? Yass, they can actually uplift your spirits when used in diffusers or your favorite personal care products. Let’s take a look at how they can be used to enhance your radiant dark skin’s beauty.
Essential Oil Guide for Dark Skin Beauties.
Want to bring balance to your glowing dark skin? Take a look at the oils below.
Tea Tree, is a great oil to bring relief to acne prone and oily skin.
Roman Chamomile, is great for easing skin conditions like eczema and rashes. It’s also great for inflamed skin challenges.
Rose essential oils is said to hydrate dry skin. It’s also known to clear acne, reduce signs of aging and minimize the appearance of scars. Rose is also good for conditions such as eczema and rosacea. Pure rose essential oil is very expensive. So, when you do get your hands on some, use it sparingly.
Ylang Ylang is used for dry skin and for massage. Known to promote oil production and reduce dryness in your scalp, this could help relieve scalp itch. Don’t forget, your scalp is skin too.
Helichrysum is known for its ability to help promoted skin cell regeneration. As you mature, cell regeneration tends to slow down. Instead of seeing new skin cells every 28-30 days, it could be 30-40 days. It’s also said to offer a glowing and youthful complexion.
Rosehip essential oil has a combination of fatty acids and antioxidants that make it an effective option for aging skin. Vitamin C and beta-carotene help encourage the production of new collagen cells.
Lavender, is your go to oil for all things skin related. It can be used to soothe sun burned skin and those nick burns you get when taking things out of the oven. You can massage it into your skin to help relieve pain. It also helps fight free radicals that can damage your collagen.
You see, your essential oils do more for you than smell good.
Boosting Your Collagen With Essential Oils for Dark Skin Beauties
What is collagen? Collagen is a protein that’s one of the most important compounds in your body. It’s in nearly everything, your skin, muscles bones, tendons and more.
It’s like the scaffolding for your body. It makes up the foundational layer of your skin. The cells link together to form strands that strengthen your skin and give it elasticity.
With an increase in collagen, you can have a more effective blood flow throughout your body. We all know that the better your blood flow, the better the health of your skin.
Essential oils are applied to your skin and hair working with them naturally to achieve your beauty goals.
Don’t Slather Pure Oils On Your Skin
You can’t just slather essential oils on your skin. You must dilute them with a carrier oil. Carrier oils are oils such as grapeseed, argan and jojoba.
The best carrier oil by far is jojoba. It’s rich in vitamin E, which encourages the production of collagen beneath your skin’s surface. More importantly, is similar to the texture of your skin’s natural sebum (oil). Meaning it absorbs easily and won’t clog your pores.
Here’s a face serum receipe you might want to try:
20 drops of Frankincense
10 drops of Lavender
10 drops of Tea Tree
½ cup carrier oil
Store in an amber glass bottle. For serums, I like to use spray mist tops. Lately, not always, rubber head tops have been separating from the glass dropper tube in the bottles. Don’t forget to write the recipe down and label your bottle.
Over time …
As you work with essential oils and learn more about them, you will learn which essential oils work best for your skin. You’ll also learn which carrier oil to pair with a given essential oil.
Therefore, stay open to learning as much as you can about essential oils. The health and glow of your dark skin complexions will thank you for it.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
Nyraju Skin Care
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