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How to Use Self Care To Make You Healthy and Happy

Self care isn’t selfish. Is it all in the name? It starts with how you nurture yourself mentally, emotionally and physically. Self care is more than a hashtag or article in a given magazine. Caring for yourself can oftentimes make you healthier and happy.

To be healthy and happy, is doing those things that make you smile and feel good inside and out.

Can Self Care From Within Bring Health and Happiness

It’s a given that you are what you eat. The better the quality of foods you consume, the better you feel. Good health and healthy eating habits are the first things to consider when you think of self care. With out it, there is no happiness.

You know that processed foods, too much sugar and too much salt can wreak havoc on your body. Not only will fatigue set in, you will begin to see your skin and hair have challenges.  Caring for you skin externally can be very simple.

The right foods will nourish and nurture your body. This minimizes the amount of stress your body goes through to digest what you put into it.

The right foods will also provide you with energy, strong bones, glowing skin and healthy hair. Let’s face it, eating the right way can provide you with a long healthy and happy life.

Self Care, How to Find Happiness in Your Work

How many of you embarked on a career path that you thought would make you happy? You thought that getting your higher degrees, several of them, would land you in that coveted position. A corner office. A seat at the table. An expense account. Tenure … only to find,  that it put you under more stress than you’d ever imagined.

You followed the advice of those that had gone before you. They acted as mentors. However, they left out a lot of the details that came with your position.

You told yourself: “I got this!”  Do you?

It added untold stress to you mentally and physically. This did not make you healthy or happy.

Some of you didn’t take the degree route. You found a career path that with specialized training, you could have a viable career and get paid well in doing it. More importantly, you love it. Yet, even you are faced with the challenge of knowing when to pull back and care for self.

What happens next? Overwork and burnout, take a toll on your mental and physical health. Your well-being is at stake. For a lot of you, your initial response is to take to your tub.

Can You Find Self Care and Balance in Your Bath Tub

Self care is often a phrase that refers to relaxation in your tub. If that’s what it takes to get you off to a good start with your health and happiness, so be it.

Aromatherapy, bath bombs, bath salts and bath teas are just some of the items to turn your tub into a self care oasis. A place to relax will help you relieve stress and anxiety.

You can begin with a simple approach. Your bath tub, Epsom salt, baking soda and essential oils will provide you with all you need. Take 15 to 20 minutes and give yourself some “Me” time.

There are those of you that might not see this as important. Then again, there are those of you that know the value in taking a hot bath and slowing down.

Can You Really Be Healthy and Happy in Caring for Your Self?

Ask yourself a different set of questions. Are you happy or healthy when you experience aches and pains? Do you feel better when you eat better and exercise? By the way, a good walk is low impact, yet effective exercise.

Does it bring a smile to your face when you are vibrant and spry?

Only you know the truth when you answer these questions. The objective of the article is to get you thinking about your health, your happiness and caring for your self.

It’s not a selfish act to care for self. It’s a necessary action for the betterment of your health and happiness.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post How to Use Self Care To Make You Healthy and Happy appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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