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It’s Time to Reclaim Your Beauty After a Year of Pandemic Stress

It’s Time to Reclaim Your Beauty After a Year of Pandemic Stress

Reclaim your beauty! A year of pandemic stress has wreaked havoc on your skin. From mask acne, to dry skin, to dark blotches, your skin has been through a lot. How do you reclaim your beauty after a year of trauma?

Your Skin Care Regimen is the Key

You all know that a good regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing will take you a long way. However, after a year of COVID, your skin will need a bit more TLC.

It’s time to bring out the big guns. In the world of black skin care, the big guns are your facial serums and mask.

Let’s take a look at each and the work that they do.

Facial Serums

Face Serums are lightweight and contain a high concentration of active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is used to add hydration or keep your skin hydrated. Well hydrated skin has a smoother texture, less visible lines and definitely stimulates regeneration in your skin cells.

Back to serums …

Because they are thinner, serums absorb much quicker into your skin. Serums do different things. They can help to brighten your skin, as well as reduce blemishes. They are also known to help with signs of aging. Serums are great for acne-prone skin and sensitive skin.

A lot of you think that because you have your beautiful melanin, your skin isn’t subject to dryness or sunburns. Think again!

When do you use a serum?

Their lightness in consistency makes serums the perfect product to apply to your skin right after you cleanse it and apply your toner. In order to maximize the benefits of a serum, you can use a moisturizer to seal it into your skin.

Yes, you can use them both at the same time. That being said, test it . If adding a moisturizer after applying your serum creates, oiliness and breakouts, your moisturizer might be too thick.

Some serums work better for you in the morning. Other’s work better at night. It’s a good idea to speak with an esthetician or dermatologist if you’re unsure of the best serum to use.

Now on to Mask …

Facial Mask

Facial mask are great for hydrating and moisturizing dry skin, minimizing oil on acne prone skin as well as minimize fine lines and wrinkles on maturing skin.

Honey mask are excellent for hydrating your skin. They nurture and nourish your skin when used properly.

What you don’t want to do, is have lemon or lime to your facial mask. These are considered acids and can be too aggressive on your skin. 5 to 15 minutes is enough time to have your mask on your face. Once a week, no more than twice is sufficient for usage.

Always remove your mask with warm water, using a sponge or white wash cloth. Why white? Because most wash cloths that have color have been dyed. This dye can end up in your skin depending on the quality of the dye.

So … How Do You Reclaim Your Beauty After a Year of Pandemic Stress?

Serums and mask are both high quality products that should be included in your skin care regimen. When used consistently, you should see a vast improvement in the appearance of your skin.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post It’s Time to Reclaim Your Beauty After a Year of Pandemic Stress appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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