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Your Favorite Beauty Spot, How to Find Joy In Your Favorite Places

your favorite beauty spot, How to find joy in your favorite places

Your favorite beauty spot. When’s the last time you were there? COVID put a damper on all in-person activities. Those spa outings you enjoy so much, were brought to a halt. What a bummer. Did you feel like you were going bat shit crazy?

Let’s face it, those shopping excursions to the mall will no longer be taken for granted. When an outing to Wall-Mart feels like a lottery win, you know you’re in trouble.

What’s Your Favorite Beauty Spot?

During the pandemic, you learned that beauty went way beyond a skin care product. It became all encompassing. From what your wore, to what you ate, your beauty regimen took on a whole new meaning.

Beauty and Quiet Time While at Home …

Yes, there were those of you that took refuge in your bath tubs. My bathroom has always been and remains my favorite beauty spot. It gives me time with myself… to pamper, to think, to read and most of all relax.

My skin care regimen leveled up. It took on a whole new meaning.

Apparel …

Amazon sales surged.  However, By far the Malls have it! Even though most people I spoke with don’t want to buy much of anything, the opportunity to stroll and look was enticing. Most shop keepers know, that you have come out of your bat caves and are just enjoying the outing.

For those of you ready to spend, even better. Stores and their inventory haven’t been the same since before the pandemic. Since most clothing items are made in China, selections came to a halt.

Things are gearing up again, so let’s see what shows up in stores.

Cosmetics …

Sephora, Ulta, pop-up shops and the independent cosmetic kiosk are enjoying the upswing in cosmetic sales. Although mask are still part of your accessory wardrobe, your eyes are beaming with the new colors of the season.

Eyelashes were all over the place when it came to size during COVID. Some actually looked like fans on the eyes. They’ve tapered down a bit and are looking like lashes with regular mascara. Big improvement … huge.

Wait, there’s more!

Skin Care …

Not only are your eyes beaming, your skin is glowing also. You took advantage of the COVID months and really paid attention to your skin and its care.

For the most part you had to. Mask brought on a new challenge … the increase in acne was mind boggling. Between the heat, perspiration and bacteria behind the mask, your face was literally attacked.

You took it upon yourselves to deal head-on with this challenge. A lot of you went natural and organic with your products. Other’s of you, who’d never considered any type of skin care regimen, kicked in and started taking care of your skin.

Nutrition …

What you eat has become just as important as what you wear when it comes to you and beauty. Your beauty spots now include restaurants that revolve around plant based eating.

When not eating out, you’re prepping your own meals that are centered around intermittent fasting, the Keto diet, the Mediterranean diet and common sense eating.

Lots of green foods, taking in half your body’s weight in water, along with fruits and whole grains.

Your favorite beauty spots …

Whether it’s the mall, the salon that you slowly return to or the produce department in your local grocery store, you will benefit from them all.

Think of it this way … the mall is an outing for getting outside of your house. A visit to the salon, will help shape your brows, trim those split ends and remove the facial hair that’s been growing behind your mask. Your grocery store will provide you with nutritional foods to help keep you healthy. All of these locations should be considered beauty spots.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Your Favorite Beauty Spot, How to Find Joy In Your Favorite Places appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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