Where Are You, On Your Awesome Black Skin Care Journey?
An awesome black skin care journey, is something we all long for. Why is it a skin care journey? Where are you on your journey. Do you have a regimen in place? Did you know you needed one? What do you look for and what do you avoid in product choices?
What is a Skin Care Journey?
A journey is the act of going from one place to another. When it comes to caring for your skin, you want to go from dull, ashy, gray looking skin to great looking skin. Soft, smooth, radiant looking skin to be exact.
Where Are You on Your Awesome Black Skin Care Journey?
Just starting or years into your skin care journey. Believe it or not, some people could care less about their skin. That’s not you though because you’re here reading this blog on a weekly basis. You Care!
You’ll find yourself at different places as you mature. In this case, I’m using the word mature to reference as beginning the day you were born.
For the most part, your skin sees its first challenge during puberty. This is mainly because of hormonal shifts. So you’re kicked sideways into caring for skin breakouts and using products that aren’t always made with your skin in mind.
Not all skin care challenges are hormonal based. Some are a direct result of your hair care products.
Do You Have a Black Skin Care Regimen In Place?
No? It’s time you do. Everything is changing in today’s world. Your skin included. So yes, it’s a good idea to have a skin care regimen. I talk a lot about a Black skin care regimen in the articles posted. Why? Because a simple regimen could save you a lot of trouble down the road. What is simple? Cleanse, tone and moisturize. These three steps alone, will save you a lot of mental stress when it comes to your skin.
Life shows up and we don’t always clean our faces at night as we should. Me included. Then the next morning, I’m scrambling to make sure that I get the dirt and debris from the day and night before off my skin.
You’ve been there, we all have.
What to Look For and What to Avoid in Product Choices.
It’s no secret that products with natural and organic ingredients will give you better results than those filled with synthetic ones.
Coconut, olive, grapeseed and almond oils are great moisturizers, especially for your body.
Essential oils are excellent for scenting products that you make yourself. Purchasing essential oils can often be tricky. Seek our reputable companies that are known for selling essential oils.
Fragrance oils are synthetic oils, so do not mistake them for essential oils. You will often find that fragrance/synthetic oils will produce a scent that last longer than an essential oil. Why is that? Because it has been created in a lab to mimic the original.
Just like a lot of the foods we eat have been genetically modified to taste like the original. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to pull blueberries from a bush, or eat greens from a garden, you’ll understand the difference.
Shea, cocoa and mango butters are three readily available butters that can be found in natural and organic products.
Why organic? Organic ingredients are grown in soil that’s meant to nurture and nourish your skin and body, internally and externally.
Your Awesome Black Skin Care Journey …
Your black skin care journey will take many twist and turns in life. The key is to remember it’s a journey. Sometimes you’re on the right path and other times not.
When you commit to caring for your skin, it will commit to being beautiful with every reflection from the mirror.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty
Juliette Samuel,
The post Where Are You, On Your Awesome Black Skin Care Journey? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.