How to Use Herbal Medicine to Nourish Your Skin, Hair and Body
Herbal medicine. A walk through any of Mother Nature’s gardens will supply you with a lot of the med’s you need for your skin, hair and body.
Most think that a supplement is the go-to solution but it wasn’t always that way. Long before supplements were packaged and housed in a container, your ancestors would take a stroll to the garden and pull from the ground what was needed to treat the challenge.
Upset stomach, peppermint or spearmint. Ward off mosquitos, citronella. For skin care and relaxation, lavender.
Herbal Medicine for Black Skin, Hair and Body Care
Lavender, Tea Tree and Chamomile are all considered herbs. Yet they are three of the greatest solutions when it comes to skin, hair and body care.
Lavender in its essential oil form, is known as the go-to oil for many challenges faced with skin, hair and body ailments.
For small burns gotten from taking things in and out of the oven, lavender is perfect for soothing your skin and preventing blisters. I makes a facial steam deliver great results when added to hot water. It’s also been known to help reduce wrinkles.
For your hair, lavender has been said to help stimulate hair growth. It’s also known to aid in removing or preventing head lice.
Tea Tree is known for its ability to help with acne challenges. This means it’s good for back acne also. Yes, your back is capable of having acne challenges. You also know it as melaleuca.
Tea tree is anti-inflammatory (helps minimize redness) and anti-bacterial (wards off bacteria).
You should not apply Tea tree oil directly on your skin. It should be diluted with a carrier oil such as olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil. Some massage therapist use grapeseed oil. It’s lighter in weight and provides the slip needed to move freely across your body.
When used in hair care treatments, tea tree oils is used to help minimize or remove dandruff and dead skin cells from your scalp. This enables your hair to experience optimal growth.
Chamomile, when drank as a tea, has been known to help boost the health of your skin from within. It’s been said to brighten your complexion, reduce acne breakouts and for some, help with fading dark spots.
And you thought lavender and chamomile were just flowers. Yes, they bloom and in their beauty, they provide you with awesome benefits for your skin.
Wait … there’s more
Ginger and Turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory properties when it comes to skin and body care.
Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin. It contains antioxidants that are great for your skin from within and without.
Fresh ginger is known for it ability to help with digestive and respiratory challenges. It’s been said that ginger can soothe redness and eliminate bacteria associated with acne.
Herbals from Mother for Skin, Hair and Body
You could consider these herbals as the beginning of a great medicine cabinet provided by Mother Nature herself. Whether you grow them outside your house or on the fire escape of your building, you’re sure to have some of the best medicinal help at your fingertips.
That’s it for this week. As always …
Dedicated To Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
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