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Are Natural Black Skin Care Products Necessary for Your Skin Care Regimen?

Natural Black Skin Care Products

The necessity of natural black skin care products. Who would dare think otherwise. Using natural products to care for your beautiful black skin is one of the best decisions you can make. Why? Because you’re putting your skin first by bringing in products with ingredients that aren’t synthetic and aren’t going to bring harm to your skin.

When we think of natural and organic ingredients, we look for things such as:

  • green tea,
  • shea butter,
  • cocoa butter,
  • mango butter,
  • certain oils such as wheat germ oil, jojoba oil
  • essential oils.

These types of ingredients make it easier for you to help care for your skin because they’re not harmful.

Your skin care regimen typically involves three basic steps: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Then you add enhancing steps such as exfoliating, masque and serums.

By having this type of regimen in place for yourself, it enables you to have a system, whereby caring for your skin becomes a lifestyle.

When your lifestyle habits change you also see changes in your complexion, the radiance and the glow from your skin. When we will speak of Lifestyle Changes talking about things like reducing stress, getting enough rest, as well as what you eat on a daily basis.

Your regimen using natural skin care products for your skin, enables you to include All the parameters of what’s  involved in caring for your skin.

Why You Need Natural Black Skin Care Products for Your Skin Care Regimen

The question is often asked: “Why do I need natural black skin care products for my skin care regimen?”  Can’t we just use regular products or products off the shelf from the store?

You can use any product mix you want. However it won’t always be the best choice when it comes to caring for your beautiful black skin. The reason natural products and organic products are suggested is because these products have been formulated with your skin in mind.  And, they’ve been formulated with better ingredients so that you can get better results.

One of the results that you look for when you choose to use natural skin care products is to have clear skin, with more of a youthful glow. I can hear you now asking: Suppose I’m in my twenties and thirties, do I still need natural products?

It’s always a better choice to use natural based ingredients and products.This enables you to get the best results for your skin in your 20s and 30s. Your skin is still transitioning from puberty and at the same time it’s moving forward into a phase of maturity.

Although you may not want to hear or accept the fact that you’re moving into a maturing phase, with the use of natural skin care products you can help ward off a lot of the challenges that your skin will face as your body changes. As your skin response to hormonal changes, the better the ingredients in a given product, the better the result will be that you get from using that product.

It’s Not Just About the Product Itself, It’s About the Component of a Regimen

Here’s what a basic skin care regimen using natural black skin care products will look like:

Cleanser – A cleanser removes dirt, debris and grime from your face. Once you cleanse, you then have to bring your skin’s pH level back into balance.  Your toner is next.

Toner –  The purpose of the toner is to do the job of balancing your pH level.  A lot of us were taught that the toner will remove dirt the cleanser missed.  If you use the right cleansing procedure,  you won’t have to depend on your toner to act as a second cleanser.  It can do its job in bringing about balance to your skin.

Moisturizer – Moisturizers reduce the chance of your skin becoming extremely dry or oily. They help your skin become softer and more supple.  And yes, they enhance the moisture in your skin.

It’s Not Just About the Topical Products When Caring for Black Skin

One important thing that you might want to keep in mind is that topical products with natural or organic ingredients, will work best when you eat healthy.  Why?   Because when feeding your cells and organs better food, you in essence, produce better skin.

Eating foods that are not good for you such as chips, a lot of starches and meat, can wreak havoc on your skin.  When you consume meat, especially chicken and beef, those animals have been shot up with hormones.  As you consume their flesh, the hormones that are now part of them, become part of you.  So, you got your hormones interacting with their hormones and it doesn’t always make for a pretty picture.

It often causes breakouts and you wonder why you’re getting pimples on your skin. When it begins to look sallow or dark, it’s because of the hormonal combination from the meat. This could often answer the question of why you see certain changes and results that you didn’t expect such as breakouts and puffiness.

 So,  to Answer the Question …

Are natural black skin care products necessary for your skin care regimen? The answer is an overwhelming yes!  That’s it for this week.  As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,


Nyraju Skin Care

The post Are Natural Black Skin Care Products Necessary for Your Skin Care Regimen? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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