Have You Taken Care of Yourself Like You Should?
Have You Taken Care of Yourself …
Self-care. What have you done for you lately? Have you taken care of yourself? I mean really taken care of yourself. Are you at the top of your list when it comes to things to do?
We’re in a space where Mind, Body and Spirit must find balance. We’ve been in, and still are in, a space of uncertainty like never before. And all of this is because, as of this writing, two years ago a global pandemic became our main focus.
We found ourselves in a space and time where we were stopped in our tracks. We had to take a look at what was really important. Why? Because so many around us were falling victim to the virus and it made us start putting priorities in place.
Why did it take such a traumatic event for you to put yourself first? When we talk about caring for self, it does not have to be something so huge. It can be something as simple as giving yourself permission to step back from everything and take a walk.
Little Things Matter When It Comes To Taking Care of Yourself
Little Things become big things. Such as a nice hot bath, a facial, a pedicure or creating a goddess space just for you. Yes, it’s little things like these, that can be life-changing for you mentally, spiritually and physically.
Have you looked in the mirror lately and said to yourself, “my skin could use some attention. I think I’ll give myself a facial.” It’s this one move that could enhance and uplift your spirit for the rest of the day, if not the week. A daily skin care regimen can work wonders for your skin.
You talking … I think I’ll give myself a break from everything and take a hot bath. It’s this one move that can put you in a place of total relaxation. It can also give you a space to take time and have a conversation with the Goddess.
So, why haven’t we done these things? Because we haven’t slowed ourselves down enough to do so. Do you deem yourself worthy of this type of slow down?
Slowing Down To Care for Self
Self-care.These have been two words used for at least the past five years. What does that mean to you? For some of you, it means giving yourself permission to step back and take a break from everything. A silent retreat maybe. For others, it’s a new exercise program or a new way of eating. Bottom line, you’ve made the decision to care for yourself.
The good thing about Self-Care, is that no one needs to know your plans but you. Oftentimes when we bring others into our plans, subtle and not so subtle whispers come at us. Sometimes, it’s better to take action and show up. When you “Show Up”, the results will speak for themselves.
Plan Your Course of Action for Your Self Care Regimen
A regimen is a prescribed course of action that can promote or restore your health, wellness and beauty.
If your goal is to restore your health, then your regimen might consist of what you eat and the amount of exercise that you do weekly. Planning out your meals, planning out what physical activity you will embark on, is all part of your regimen for Health, Beauty and Wellness.
Also with Wellness comes knowing when to rest and give your body time to restore itself. Wellness incorporates meditation, and learning to slow your mind and going inwardly is a crucial part of self-care.
When it comes to restoring your beauty, this is a course of action that must incorporate internal and external discipline. What you eat will play a major role in how your skin looks externally. What you use on your skin topically, helps to enhance the beauty that’s shining outwardly from within.
That outward glow that you see on your skin can also come when you find peace of mind and stop stressing about what’s coming in life. Learning how to move and flow with life’s ups and downs, can often be key to living a more relaxed life.
I started this article by asking the question: Have You Taken Care of Yourself Like You Should? If you find that you have not done what you wanted to do for yourself, now is as good of a time as any to start.
Please don’t beat yourself up or stress yourself out, because you haven’t started or done anything before now. The key is that you can start, Right Where You Are. Don’t waste your time on what could have been, begin now with what is, and flow from there.
This is the beginning of you taking care of yourself like you should.
That’s it for this week. As always ….
Dedicated to your beauty,
Juliette Samuel,
Esthetician/ Author/ Publisher,
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