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5 Simple Ways to Refresh Your Beautiful Black Body

5 Simple Ways to Refresh Your Beautiful Black Body

Looking for simple ways to refresh your beautiful black body? What does refresh mean to you? It could be something as simple as stretching, taking a warm bath, going on a nice long nature walk, or sitting on a park bench watching people. The way You define Refresh will be more important to you than anything anyone else can say. Here are a few suggestions anyway.

Typically when we think of refreshing something, we’re looking at a way to bring new life into it or enhance it so to speak. So if we’re looking at ways to refresh our body, we’re also looking at ways to refresh our being, our mind, body and spirit.

Part of refreshing is finding ways to have peaceful moments constantly, more consistently. Life will ultimately bring some challenges. Our job is to find ways to work through those challenges and maintain Better Health at the same time.

So let’s take a look at:

5 Simple Ways to Refresh Our Beautiful Black Body.

A Basic Skin Care Routine. You’d be surprised at how a skin care routine will have you feeling refreshed. Oftentimes, we are so busy getting through the day until we forget our skin. A lot of you expressed how the pandemic changed your routine.

You didn’t feel the need to take care of your face behind a mask. What happened? You found yourself with more challenges. Not only was your skin challenged, your mental well-being became challenged also. You didn’t like what you saw in the mirror.

So you had to refresh your way of thinking and this caused you to refresh your skin care routine. Yes, that simple basic skin care regimen of cleansing, toning and moisturizing saved your face. It also taught you that simplicity works.

Refresh from Fatigue. Fatigue is one of those challenges that we encounter in life when we do too much or overdo a given thing. When we look to refresh ourselves from fatigue naturally, a lot of it will come through what we eat. You’d also be surprised that fatigue comes from what we think.

Depending on your body, the foods you eat provide you with energy. They can also slow you down and cause you to feel more tired and fatigued. When you eat the right foods for your body they can actually help you stay sharp, mentally focused and energized throughout the day.

So let’s take a look at some Basic Energy type foods. One of the main foods that we’re always told to look at when it comes to providing energy is protein. Proteins typically bring to mine meats. If you’re going to consider flesh, looking at salmon or tuna would be a good way to introduce protein into your body.

Protein can also come in the form of your grains. Quinoa is an excellent source of protein. For those of you that are vegetarian or vegan you trend more toward grains of course.

Some of you will even consider more raisins and almonds being added to your nutritional plan. So the key is to find foods for your physical self that will increase and enhance your energy. Consider red peppers as well as green vegetables when it comes to fighting fatigue naturally. Listen to your body. Your body will tell you as you eat, what foods provide you with energy and what foods are causing fatigue.

If you don’t consider changing your mental food intake, the physical foo will only take you so far.

Still Looking For Simple Ways to  Refresh Your Beautiful Black Body?

Soothing Sore Feet. Now who would ever think that soothing sore feet is a way to refresh your beautiful black body? One truth that we all know, is that when your feet hurt your entire body aches. Why? Because your feet carry all of the weight that you are composed of everyday. So how do you help yourself by soothing your feet?

For one thing you start by stretching. What does a stretch have to do with your feet? Everything is connected in the body and when you stretch every muscle, every fiber of your being is used. Depending on the position, your feet will play an important role in the position of each stretch.

That being said, when you incorporate stretching into your daily routine, you’ll find that you move with ease. You’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll move with Grace as well.

Have you ever heard that vitamin B keeps the nerves in your feet healthy and strong? It’s been said that vitamin B can help reduce burning, tingling and stabbing pains in your feet. This was found in a research done at Oregon State University. So vitamin B supplements can surely enhance caring for your feet.

Take your shoes off and stand on the soil outside. When you plant your feet in grass, in dirt, in sand, you’re communing with nature. This allows all of the minerals and vitamins that are naturally in the soil to engage with your body and become part of a natural healing process.

It’s also important to pamper your feet by giving yourself nice foot baths. By removing dead skin cell buildup from your heels, toes and under the ball of your feet, you’ll feel better. You’d be surprised how much pain can be caused when dead skin cells begin to stack up on your feet. It’s like having on an extra pair of shoes.

Exercise and Long Hot Bath’s Will Help Refresh Your Beautiful Black Body

Exercise. There’s no way you can talk about refreshing yourself without incorporating exercise into your regimen. What happens when you put some type of exercise regimen into play? Well first of all it causes you to move your body. In doing so you will find that your blood flows better. It opens up joint portals that may have been tight for lack of a better word from inactivity. So when you have some type of exercise regimen, you automatically feel refreshed when you finish.

You might want to consider simple forms of exercise to get you started. What’s simple? A walk in the park, a walk on a nature trail or Tai Chi. These are all moving meditations so to speak. They’re not fast paste, they don’t overtax you. Yet when done in an environment where fresh air is either flowing through a window or you’re outside in nature, you will feel refreshed when you finish.

Now some of you might consider stretching as an exercise. It can be for some of you, most definitely. When my uncle was 73 years old, he used stretching and walking to keep himself flowing. He was still stretching and walking at 92 to keep himself flowing.

Taking a Long Hot Bath. Not only will a nice bath have you feeling refreshed, it will also serve as a time for you to relax and release stress. One of the reasons that we are still so tight, tense and somewhat unbalanced, is because we’re constantly stressed. Life will often do that. A bath can help you relax and release into the water some of the Stress and Anxiety that has come your way. The key is to incorporate bathing into your regimen, refreshing your body weekly. I get it a lot of people don’t have tubs. For those of you who do, use them and use them often as a sanctuary for relaxation and refreshing yourself.

If you don’t have a bathtub, treat yourself to a spa environment where you can enjoy a hot steam. It will help you work through the same type of stress release. You can also place a stool in your shower and allow the water to run while you’re sitting. Even if it’s just 5 minutes. You can get the benefits of the warmth itself, the feeling of how it just relaxes and brings you ease. It allows you to mentally and physically standstill. Those five minutes will be worth it

Conclusion …

I’ve touched on 5 simple ways to refresh your beautiful black body. Take one of them and use it as a suggestion to get you started in better caring for yourself. Your body, your mind and your spirit will thank you for it.

That’s it for this week. As always ….

Dedicated to Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post 5 Simple Ways to Refresh Your Beautiful Black Body appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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