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Can Beauty Products and Facial Tools Work for Beautiful Black Skin?

Can Beauty Products and Facial Tools Work for Beautiful Black Skin?

Beauty products and Facial tools? Working together for Beautiful Black Skin?

We’re always looking for something new that we can try when it comes to our skin. It’s good to know that not everything works when you’re trying different things. Whether it’s a skin care product or whether it’s a facial tool, some things just don’t work.

The good thing about trying new products is that you get to have fun and enjoy the journey to see what does works . This is a process and you’ll have to be careful about.  The key is to how you use a product or tool to your advantage.

When you’re testing beauty products one important thing to keep in mind, is that you just might have a reaction. As a matter of fact a lot of you have had reactions to different product usage. This doesn’t mean that you should stop trying.

How else will you know what works?

Beauty Products and A Good Facial Regimen for Beautiful Black Skin

If you’ve been with me for a while as far as reading my blog post or articles on the main website, you know that a natural black skin care regimen is talked about all the time when it comes to caring for your skin with products.

A good cream-based facial cleanser, rosewater-based toner, and a moisturizer. All three things set the foundation to having a daily routine when caring for your skin. You can enhance the use of these three products by adding an exfoliant. I like the ones that have jojoba wax beads, which is what we’ve formulated for you here. As you use them to remove dead skin cell buildup, you will find that it’s a natural way to bring forth the beautiful black skin that you have.

A mask is another product that can help your skin as far as hydration is concerned, especially if it’s a honey mask. I’d also like to suggest that there’s a serum involved in your routine. Why? Because serums are created to penetrate to the deeper layers of your skin.  In doing so, they nourish and nurture as they penetrate each layer.

These products are an excellent way to get a beauty regimen started. There are a lot of black women who are now beginning to really understand the importance of self-care. In doing so, you are adamant about taking care of your skin.

Facial Tools for Beautiful Black Skin

Can Beauty Products and Facial Tools Work for Beautiful Black Skin?When we look at facial tools, two tools in particular have been in our midst for at least the past five to six years. One is the g u a s h a tool.The other is a jade roller massage tool for your face. Now both of these tools are helping a lot of you to remove puffiness from your face and actually have you feeling revitalized.

The gua sha tool is known to help with removing static chi, helping with body pain, and helping with inflammation. The  roller massager is known to do the same thing for some of you, while for others  the gua sha tools work better.

Once again this is all part of testing to see what works best for you.

Can products and tools work hand-in-hand? Absolutely, because once you cleanse, tone and moisturize your face, it’s time for the massager. You can use these tools after your night regimen and really get a sense of relaxation and comfort. There’s also a feeling of calm and this leads to a really nice good night’s sleep.

Some of you put your tools in the fridge or in a cup of ice before you use them. What this does is helps to boost the benefits of inflammation. You can use them at least twice a day. Typically after you apply your moisturizer or serum.


However you can take care of your skin without the risk of damaging it, take time to do so. Your skin will thank you for it.

If you’re just starting your skin care regimen, all of the products that were mentioned above can be gotten in our Natural Black Skin Care Sample Kit. It’s an investment worth making. It will start you on your journey to beautiful Black Skin.

Sample kits make great travel products. No need to run the risk of having your full sizes tossed at the airport if you travel with smaller sizes.

That’s all for this week. As always …

Dedicated to your beauty,

Juliet Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Can Beauty Products and Facial Tools Work for Beautiful Black Skin? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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