Can Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Bring Balance to Your Body?
Hot flashes and my beautiful Black Mature women. Hot flashes and night sweats are the scourge of the middle-aged woman. You’ve no doubt heard the battle cry, “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?”
The prickling of your skin, rapid heart beat and pressure in your head. Not to mention, your skin flushes, you feel anxious, maybe a little dizzy, and night sweats that have water pouring off of you. This can be oh-so very unpleasant. The worst part is, you never know when it’s going to come, how long it’s going to last, or how bad it will be. In an ideal world, hot flashes would only occur when you’re alone and naked in a cold shower.
Hot flashes are often the precursor which alerts you to a major bodily upheaval – The Menopause, or the end of your menstrual cycle. It’s an oxymoron to use the article “the” to identify it –“the menopause,” as though it’s a single fixed moment in time. Shoot, for some women, the period between the first hot flash and the actual end of your menstrual periods can be years. Say it ain’t so!
Menopause can and will change the appearance of your skin. Some of you will see better looking skin. Others just might expeience adult acne. Go figure. Either way, a good skin care regimen for mature skin will help. Now about hot flashes.
Can Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Bring Balance to Your Body?
So, with the “good news” that your hot flashes may last for years, you actually are officially “menopausal.” What can you do to alleviate or at least control some of the symptoms? Well, your doctor may prescribe synthetic hormones to control hot flashes, but not every woman is comfortable with that option.
Instead, how about some good old fashioned common sense tips that can help.
· As soon as you feel a flash coming on, take a hit of an ice cold beverage to counter the effects. Those gallon-sized Icees from the local convenience store work very nicely, though Brain Freeze is often a side effect. Just kidding. As much as you’d like to take in something ice cold, it’s not always good for your body. However a cool glass of water would help.
· Layer your clothing, so that you can subtract layers as the flash comes on. Then once it’s passed, you can add that layer back, if you need it. Wear natural fibers. They absorb moisture better, and can often avoid stains.
· Understand that caffeine and alcohol can often trigger a hot flash, so if you must indulge, choose your venue carefully. A hot flash in the privacy of your own home is a lot more comfortable than having one in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
· Center yourself with meditative exercises. As soon as you feel a hot flash coming on, practice controlled breathing, and stay calm. It will be over in a few minutes.
· Be sure to get a good workout; a few times a week, for 30 minutes or so. Regular exercise can help reduce the incidences of hot flashes.
Finally …
And speaking of a good workout, incorporate a couple of sessions per week of invigorating sex into your exercise regimen. Studies have proven that an active sex life can decrease hot flashes. So if you ever needed an excuse to have sex, there you go!
That’s it for this week.
Dedicated to Your Beauty,
Juliette Samuel
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