On the State of Fashion: Top Looks from the GLAAD Awards, the Grammys, and the 15 Percent Pledge Gala
Visit + Subscribe to theStateofFashion.Bulletin.com to read highlights from the GLAAD Awards, The Grammys, and the 15 Percent Pledge Gala!

I write, “The 15 Percent Pledge is a non-profit organization created by Aurora James that encourages retailers to pledge at least 15 percent of their shelf-space to Black-owned businesses. They held their inaugural gala on April 2nd at the New York Public Library. The dress code called for Black Tie by Black Designers. Now if only celebrities on major red carpets could try to incorporate more black designers into their wardrobes. Or maybe even just 15%! What a wonderfully diverse world it would be.”

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