Fashion Bomber of the Week: Trey Howard from Los Angeles
Hey Bombshells and Bombers, this week we’re spotlighting the style of Trey Howard, the stylist who pushes the boundaries of gender norms through clothing.

Just like a stylist, Howard is passionate about creating moments with fashion. He uses his style as a beacon for young boys and men ––like himself–– who don’t fold into the societal roles placed upon them. He’s known to turn a few dresses and skirts and has no issue layering textures or styling highly saturated hues.

He has stated that he wants to provide a sense of comfort and relatedness to the people he meets within the industry.

If you’re interested in being a Fashion Bomber of the Week DM Fashion Bomb Men: your name, city, a brief bio on your style, and 5-10 photos of your best looks.