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Beach Braids and a Thought!

You would think I would be looking at these pics of me on the beach wishing I was back on the beach BUT it was actually SO sweaty and hot that day — I am thinking I would rather be in this 72 degree Arizona weather 😉 ah the weather really is just sooo good. I have been a little MIA on Insta and stuff lately – I don’t know I sometimes just don’t feel like posting and its nice to take a little break! But I am going to post a little hair tutorial teaser on Insta today because I just posted a hair tutorial on my youtube! Watch it here.

My sister started having contractions so I think any day now my 9th niece will be here! I am really so excited for her because she is going to be the cutest mama. She got really sick last month and was in the hospital for over a week. It was really scary because she had Valley Fever but because the symptoms are so close to the symptoms that come with Lymphoma and Leukemia they were at first thinking it was one of those two. And those days were really really scary for her. But much later they got blood tests back and she had Valley Fever.. which is really really bad in pregnant women, specifically women in their 3rd trimester which she was! But she is better now and baby is safe and healthy. My other sister Ashley is due in about a month and so we are having her baby shower soon and I can’t wait! They have been going to birthing classes and nursing classes together 🙂 they are the cutest.

Someone suggested we do a book club/podcast club on here on here and I thought that was a REALLY good idea because I have been listening to audiobooks and podcasts like crazy and always want to talk about them with people! So I am going to put together a fun calendar and we can start that with the new year! I am so excited about it. Some things I am going to add to it I have already read or listened to but I want to re-listen because they are so good! I listened to a podcast today and in it she said that if she had spent all the time she spent thinking about boys or break ups or wanting to find a husband she could have learned Mandarin Chinese in the same amount of time. I was laughing because the same probably goes for me back in the day haha! I spent way too much time in high school and early college thinking about break ups or boys or a friend who said something bad about me and it was all time wasted where I could have just been like, screw it! I am taking a pottery class instead lol. The reason I met David wasn’t because of time spent thinking about wanting to meet my perfect man but it was because I decided to hit the gym and grow strong and healthy that I met him (we met at the gym lol so romantic). So ya never know if you’ll meet the man of your dreams at the book store or at a play or in Mandarin class 😉 The same applies for me today except now its not boys and instead its more like, I know there are people out there who make nasty comments or waste their time talking bad about me and making silly assumptions to help them feel better — but what good is sitting around and me thinking about that gonna do?! Nothin. Might as well let them do their thing and spend my time with my kids and husband, learning new things, taking cooking classes, building my business, reading books, whatever it is! So just a reminder to focus on you and living in the moment, not thinking about things you can’t control. Don’t dwell on what so and so is saying or boys or whatever it is in your stage of life. Always try to be a better you. Never too late to pick up new hobbies or learn new skills. The skill I have been wanting to learn lately is wanting to know how to write a full business plan or marketing plan. I never took business classes so I never learned how to make a legit  business plan instead of my little makeshift ones ha and I want to know how. So that is what me and one of my employees are learning 🙂

Tell me in the comments if you would want to join the book/podcast club?! I think it would be so fun!


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