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Blocked Chakras Got You Feeling Out of Sync?

Blocked chakras got you feeling out of sync?Chakras blocked? Feeling out of sync? Can’t find Spiritual bliss? You probably see these words or phrases popping up quite a bit lately along with Mindfulness and Chi.

These words are often used along side meditation, cleaning your aura and finding your vibe. It used to be that readers would automatically associate you as part of the airy-fairy or woo woo club. Something has changed and you’re no longer considered weird if you’re searching for a peaceful environment to rest and relax in solitude.

A lot of you have searched for answers as to why you feel unbalanced, off center or not vibrating to a certain energy of peacefulness. The word “Chakra” keeps appearing and you’ve asked …

What the heck is a chakra?

Chakras are the energy systems that flow throughout your body. They also represent a spiritual energy source that dwells from your root ( positioned at your tail bone) all the way up to the crown on your head.

There are hundreds of chakras in your body. However, when you see most information, it only deals with the main seven. The main seven are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

What most of you don’t understand, is that when your chakras are blocked, they can lead to illness as well as emotional and physical imbalance. Think of your body as your car. If your fuel line is blocked, the gas can’t get through to the engine or any other part that makes your car move.  Therefore, you’re not going anywhere.

Blocked Chakras

When your chakras aren’t balanced, you can’t go far either. You sputter until you run out of energy (gas) and find that you need more fuel. Here’s what happens when your chakras aren’t operating at full throttle.

The Root Chakra is located at the root of your spine. It’s associated with feeling secure and feeling grounded. When your root chakra is blocked, you might feel moments of anxiety, insecure or fearful …  about everything.

The Sacral Chakra is housed in your lower abdomen, below your navel. This energy center governs connections and your ability to accept new experiences. This is also your creative center. When this chakra is blocked, you might feel insecure, depressed and somewhat disconnected to others.

The Solar Plexus is located in your upper abdomen, from your navel to your rib cage. This is your core, your confidence center. When your Solar Plexus is blocked you might find it difficult to make decisions and experience low self esteem.

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of your chest just above your heart. This is the center of your body, the energy point of expressing love especially for self. Blockage here could cause you to be stuck or experience negative emotions.

The Throat Chakra governs your ability to communicate on a personal and professional level. When you experience blockage here, you lack self-expression, have trouble speaking up for yourself or the inability to focus.

The Third Eye Chakra provides you with the ability to see the big picture as well as focus. You’ll find it in the middle of your forehead, between your eyes. Blockage here can cause indecision, lack of imagination and you’ll not trust your intuition (your God voice).

The Crown Chakra is located on top of your head, right in the middle. The crown chakra allows you to be fully connected spiritually to the Universe. Blockages here have caused emotional distress and can render you unable to see your inner and outer beauty.

How Do You Remove Blockage and Stay Balanced?

Yoga, meditation, tai chi and a typical spa treatment can lead to unblocking your chakras. Blocked chakras are stagnant energy. Your goal is to shift the energy in your body and keep it flowing.

Depending on who’s providing the service or helping you create your own, you can use crystals and/or essential oils as an aid for removing the blockages.

Find Your Bliss When Clearing Blocked Chakras

There are spas and facilities that can help you open up your energy wheels and get your chi flowing. You can also find information online and books as well that can provide you with more information about chakras.

That’s it for this week. As always, I’m …

Dedicated To Your Beauty and Wellness,

Juliette Samuel,
Esthetician/ Author/Publisher,

Nyraju Skin Care

The post Blocked Chakras Got You Feeling Out of Sync? appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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