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Raw Foods for A Clean Body and Beautiful Black Skin

Raw Foods for Beautiful Black SkinRaw foods for beauty from the inside out? You betcha! Have you made a decision to change the way you’re eating these days? Is your little voice telling you it’s time to move on that decision? Not only the beauty of your skin but your health could depend on this decision.

Raw foods have been in the news for years as a way of cleansing the body. Yet we seem to forget just how powerful such a decision could be. We get all the benefits as these foods are moving through our systems, not to mention the power of the super foods in their natural state.

Plants – the raw foods we eat – are a powerful source of energy, nutrients, minerals and vitamins. When we eat them in their raw state, they transfer everything about them to our system.

Do Raw Foods Have Power?

They are a natural way of obtaining energy! If you’ve ever read any of my articles or spoke with me on the phone, you know that I’m very big on eating for the skin you’re in. I believe in a wholistic approach to beauty. You have to deal with You as an entire system.

My first two questions are how many green foods are you eating and how much water are you drinking. Green foods are the primary source of nutrients. They contain chlorophyll. You can’t exist without chlorophyll. Spinach, kale, broccoli, collards, salads and herbs are all part of your green food family.

Eating raw doesn’t have to be complicated. As a matter of fact, the more simple the better. If you begin with baby steps, you’ll find yourself moving slowly into incorporating more raw foods into what you eat.

An apple a day? This isn’t new and it’s so simple to do. A salad a day can grow into two.

The Riches Found in Raw Foods

Enzymes are plentiful in raw foods. Enzymes are protein-based substances that are the basis of life on Earth itself. When you eat raw uncooked foods, the enzymes stay alive and work for you longer. The enzymes in your foods take part in your digestive process.

Internal Cleansing with Raw Foods

Herbs or herbal compounds are another way of cleansing your body. Dandelions are good for liver cleansing. By using the top young leaves of Stinging nettle, this is another herb that’s been used for internal cleansing.

You can incorporate herbs into your salads and green drinks. Salads and green drinks are the perfect way to start introducing raw foods into your lifestyle change of eating.

Not Ready for Raw Foods?

I get it. You still want to incorporate cooked/steamed foods into your meal plans. That’s okay. Take it slow and know that the more in it’s natural state the foods you eat remain, the better they will be for you in the long run.

That’s it for this week. As Always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care

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