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How To Use Natural Remedies to Relieve Stress

How To Use Natural Remedies to Relieve StressNatural remedies are some of the greatest gifts Mother Nature has to offer us. In today’s world they are often referred to as alternative medicines or alternative healing. When you hear the term, most people think of mind-body-spirit healing practices.

Meditation, aromatherapy, herbs .… even acupuncture are part of this modality of caring for self naturally.

Life is challenging enough for most people and then the Global Pandemic came upon us. What did we do? We went looking for ways to ease the trauma of what had hit us. Not everyone chose the “Natural Alternative “ for treating stress and anxiety.

Then again, maybe they did. I had someone tell me that there was nothing more natural than liquor and pot (marijuana). That both were a direct end use of Mother Nature and her natural plants. What could I say, because in essence it’s true. However, I didn’t want to encourage this person to over indulge any more than they already had.

So how do we use natural remedies to help ease the pain of stress and anxiety?

Natural Remedies Are Taking Center Stage for Stress Relief

Aromatherapy is in essence, therapy using an essential oil or blend of essential oils to alter your mood or a given space that you occupy. Essential oils are volatile plant oils that are known to aid with mind, body and spirit healing.

The original perfumes were aromatic branches that were burned and the smoke was inhaled. Perfume is a latin word that means “through the smoke.”

The essential oils are distilled or cold pressed to extract the oils from the plants and flowers. In nature, the oils help protect plants from bacteria, fungi and viruses. In humans, the oils help alter our moods, provide us with beautiful scents and some of them have been known to heal an aliment or two.

Herbs are plant medicines that have been with us since the beginning of time. Countries send their scientist into the jungles to study what “Primitive People” have used for centuries. They come back into the labs and try to recreate the use of these herbs by creating synthetic medicines.

If they studied the indigenous people in their midst, and stop destroying the plant life and culture around us, they’d find the same results.

In the middle of the pandemic, stores were ordered to stop selling seeds for herbs and vegetables. Doesn’t matter … Mother Nature has a way of replenishing her natural remedies, without the help of any humans.

Yes … There’s More

Meditation is a way of sitting and listening to the Creator. Someone once asked if prayer and meditation were the same.

The answer from an elder in the room was “prayer is you having a conversation with the Creator. You talk, make your desires, needs and wants known. Meditation is when you listen for the Creator to send or show you an answer.”  Wisdom.

Meditation doesn’t require that you take a certain posture as believed by most. A slow walk along a nature trail can be just as relaxing and allow you to tune into “Self and Creator” as a sitting posture. Let’s face it, that sitting posture isn’t always easy to get into.

Natural Remedies Are a Way to Handle Stress?

In essence, stress is caused by anything that disturbs your peace and makes you feel unsafe. The economy, job loss, politics … even technology can add undue stress to your existence.

While stress is a nuisance to most of you, until recently, you didn’t examine the cost you pay with your lives, your health and the disease it causes because of its presence.

Self care will become your greatest friend in stressful times. There’s nothing more natural than a long soak in the tub. This will benefit you greatly. It allows you to stop motion of all things, except your thoughts. If the water is hot enough, you will settle into it and relax causing you to forget them too.

No tub? Find a place to sit in indirect sunlight. The rays of the sun will feed your body. This can be extremely relaxing. Under a tree perhaps, in a room where you will not be disturbed or on your sun porch? There is nothing more natural than the sun to help handle stress.

Holistic, Healthy and Healing…

These are natural remedy suggestions for you to try, as you work your way through life.
Nothing is carved in stone. As you try these and other remedies, share them with us. Each one teach one.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated To Your Beauty,

Juliette Samuel

Nyraju Skin Care

The post How To Use Natural Remedies to Relieve Stress appeared first on Black Skin Care – Natural Hair Care – African American Skin Care.

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