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How to Use Ancient Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness

 How to Use Ancient Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness

Essential oils for beauty and wellness have been used for centuries. Why do you think this is so? Because for most people who try them … they work! From balms, to oils, to spices and herbs, you’ll find an essential used to create products that will help in one way or the other.

Your Ancient Ancestors knew the power of essential oils and had remedy after remedy for everything from bruises, to dry skin, to giving your skin a beautiful glow.

If you read the Holy Books, you’ll find that Kings and Queens used essential for medicinal purposes. When the Christ was born, we’re told that the 3 Wise Men showed up with Frankincense and Myrrh.

The Egyptians are said to have used essential oils for perfumery, baths, deodorants, medicinals and mood enhancers.

Sandalwood was used as an aphrodisiac or to clean wounds. Cypress to energize. Cassia was used to boost your immune system as well as acts as a natural insect repellent.  These oils are still used for these purposes today.

The Ancient Ones knew something in their days, that allowed them to use essential oils for their betterment. So much so, until they were only to be used by the Priest

That’s right. If there was a formula to be had, the Priest controlled it. So, in their own way, the Egyptians were letting us know that essential oils were sacred.

They still are.

Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness

Beauty and Essential Oils

In the world of beauty, essential oils are used for a number of things. In a real perfume, you will find at its core, a blend of essential oils that create an accord. They’re like being part of an orchestra.

Depending on the intent of the oil being created, a blend is formulated to serve up the perfect pitch/harmony.

It is then tested on a living breathing skin, human we hope. Although I have known a few people to mist their dog.

Aside from perfumery, essential oils are used in skin and hair care products. Whether it’s for oily, dry or maturing skin, they are known to help in the beautification of your skin.

In hair care products, they have acted as aids for dry, oily and dandruff ladened scalps. Certain oils such as rosemary, lavender and lemongrass are said to stimulate hair growth for a lot of you.

Wellness and Essential Oils

The Egyptians used essential oils for wellness more than you might think. Because bathing was an intricate part of their lifestyle, perfumery per se, was not the ultimate use of essential oils in Egypt.

Yes, they absolutely adorned their bodies with the sweet and seductive oils from Mother Nature. However, it was the European during the establishing of what we know as France and Great Britain, that used perfume heavily.

Their reasoning was because they didn’t bathe for months and used perfume/essential oils to mask their stench. Go figure!

The Egyptians knew and understood the benefits of using essential oils. They knew which oils were able to help you relax or were great as expectorants.

Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Therefore, massage/body oils, were and still are, used to carry an essential oil blend into your body via your skin to help with solving internal challenges.

Where do essential oils come from?

Essential oils are volatile oils that come from the flowers, leaves, roots and bark of trees and plants.

Rub your hand across a rosemary plant and you will witness and benefit from the essence of rosemary. The same applies to lavender, orange, lemon or grapefruit … to name a few.

Lavender in general calms/relaxes. Your citrus fruits are known as uplifting oils.

Herb and Spice Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness

Some herb and spice essential oils have been known to help with inflammation. They’ve also been known to help with acne, eczema and rashes.

Chamomile has been said to help fade dark spots. Before you rush out and buy up all the chamomile oil, it’s a great idea to put some study time into essential oils.

Cinnamon believe it or not is said to be good for clearing up zits. and then there’s turmeric.

Turmeric is used a lot to help with inflammation.

How Will You Get the Best Use of Essential Oils for Beauty and Wellness?

Through Study and Practice. It’s important that you understand the art and science of essential oils. In their pure form they can burn your skin if not diluted. They will even burn a whole through some plastic containers.

A great way to begin your journey, is to find an introductory class that’s free. There are several online. If you can find a small intimate class, say 3-5 people, this is even better.

You will have live bodies to work with and on while learning.

That’s it for this week. As always …

Dedicated to Your Beauty.

Juliette Samuel,

Nyraju Skin Care

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