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Aligning Your Business for Marketing Success, Post-Covid

To say that a Global Pandemic has shifted the paradigms of normalcy would be a massive understatement. From our lives to our livelihoods, we’ll be feeling the impact of this global crisis for years to come. As businesses look to bounce back, it’s important to look at the best ways to set yourself up for marketing success and what steps can be taken on the road to recovery. 

Focus on Savings 

Pre-covid, every dollar was valuable. Today, every cent can be a make or break. Businesses need to focus on where they can cut COGS and operating expenses while maintaining the quality and integrity of their products. Take a look at where you’re spending money. Are there discounts that exist for your CRM platform?

Can making a shift to a more cloud-based solution save you time and money? Are you able to save on those costly transaction fees, which have become a necessary evil in the online sales world? Use the savings to re-invest in your digital advertising or launch a new highly-targeted campaign. 

Take Advantage of Resources 

From thought leadership to survival guides, the amount of content being generated around businesses managing covid is endless. Do the research and pull from as many sources as possible. What are the best practices, case studies, and key learnings about marketing in the post-covid world? Where can you find help at the state, local, and federal levels? These resources exist and can be game-changers for your business’ re-emergence in the market. 

Find a Mentor

In the age of “Pay it Forward,” more and more industry leaders are willing to give their time and insights to new businesses. Reach out to those who are succeeding in the areas you want to grow in. Find the marketing experts. Book meetings, come to the table with questions, and take notes! One tip or nugget of wisdom can help spark a campaign that shows your customers that you are back and maybe even gain you some influencer traction along the way. 

Access More Funding 

It all comes full circle with the mighty dollar. The cost of advertising continues to go up, and the competition for eyeballs and clicks increases every day. Money-making campaigns can be left tabled because of a lack of funds to execute them properly. Revamp your Pitch Deck so that your Use of Funds section shows where your marketing dollars would go and how those dollars spent translate into revenue. From there, find investors specific to your industry and sell them on the opportunity. 

Remember, you are not alone in this fight, and everyone is looking for new ways to win. It’s a sprint, not a marathon. Put your marketing focus into re-establishing your brand, refilling your pipeline, and re-engaging your customers.

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