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7 Easy Steps for a More Restful Sleep

To say sleep does a body good is the understatement of the century. It’s like this magic elixir that makes your skin better, fixes ailments, makes you happier and less stressed, and all you have to do is get enough of it. When Arianna Huffington said we were in a “sleep-derivation crisis”, I understood it, but I didn’t try to rectify it. I acknowledged that culturally we work crazy hours, especially in NYC – isn’t that how you get ahead? I’ve even heard people brag about how busy they are and that they barely get any sleep. I used to be one of those so busy people, in many ways I still am, but not when it comes to my well-being. Since reading Arianna Huffington’s book, The Sleep Revolution and using the Beautyrest® Sleeptracker® monitor, I have a new lease on life, with getting enough sleep being on the top of that list. I have big plans for myself and if getting my ZZZ’s is key to being successful, consider me all in.

If you have trouble sleeping, here are 8 easy things you could be doing to fix it!

1. Invest in a Beautyrest Sleeptracker Monitor

This device has changed my life. You put it under your mattress and connect to the mobile app to track your sleep. It shows you your breathing rate, heart rate, total sleep time, how long you took to fall asleep, how many times you woke up (and for how long)… and then breaks down your Light sleep, REM sleep and Deep sleep time and what that means. REM sleep is crucial for brain performance and organizing memory. Deep sleep is for the regeneration of the body. It even gives you advice on how to improve your sleep. Best part is you don’t have to charge it (it plugs into the wall). You can read my full review HERE and learn more at It retails for $199 and a very worthy investment.

2. Create a Bedroom Oasis

Since making over my bedroom, my life has changed. I used to live in papers, with my laptop somewhere in my bed and piles of clothes on the floor. Beauty products everywhere, I lived in clutter. Since painting the floors white, ordering beautiful bedding – we literally used to have red and black bedding and everything was so dark I think it depressed me. So with my new theme of white furniture and serene calmness, I literally saw my dream bed on Croscill Natural’s website, it’s called “First Light Bed” and ordered everything. I’m not the best at DIY interior designing so I bought everything in a stock photo and kept the rest white and it worked! Having a light and airy room now, with no clutter makes going to bed such a peaceful and enjoyable experience. I don’t care what the state of the rest of my apartment is, I’m committed to my room staying completely pristine and serene.

3. Lose the Electronics

Take electronic devices out of the bedroom and try to not look at your phone or computer for at least an hour before bed. Reading emails or watching movies on your tablets will keep your brain active when it should be relaxing. The blue light from our screens mimics that of daylight, which also stimulates you. Try reading, cleaning or playing cards, or just meditating. Just try to resist looking at a screen (I know it’s tough).

4. Cut Down on Caffeine

I’d love to tell you to quit coffee or switch to green tea, but you’d probably laugh at me. I’d also be a hypocrite. So instead, just try to avoid it at least 3-6 hours before going to bed.

5. Make a To-Do List Before Going to Bed

When we have things weighing on you, it can disrupt our sleep. Try to limit the anxiety. Making a list so it’s off your brain knows the task is still accounted for and you’re not going to forget it, can help you relax.

6. Meditate Or Try Breathing Exercises

There are loads of guided meditation apps, podcasts and videos on YouTube ranging from 5 to 30 minutes a day. Meditation is an effective way to relax and can help with many conditions including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and chronic pain. Also, it’s proven that successful people meditate. Just saying…

7. Invest in a Good Mattress and Pillow

A good mattress (and pillows!), especially if you have neck/back or joint issues and trouble sleeping, is very important. I’m partial to memory foam for my pillows and a silk or satin pillowcase and a firm, memory foam mattresses. My last three mattresses have been from Beautyrest®, originally the ComforPedic, and then the Beautyrest Recharge Hybrid Mattress, which was a godsend after my herniated disc surgery. We recently upgraded to the Beautyrest Black Sonya (disclosure: Beautyrest provided me with a mattress for review) since we needed a king size bed. It’s so plush and luxurious but not as firm as my Recharge Hybrid so I’m still getting used to it. It’s so fancy and tall and just feels like it hugs me all night, I’ve never experienced anything so plush and cushiony. Whatever brand or style you go with, picking a quality mattress (Beautyrest does have a survey you can take to help select your perfect mattress) and getting a new one every 8 to 10 years or so is necessary.

Sleep well, my loves! xo Lara

This post is sponsored in partnership with Beautyrest Brand and I received a mattress as part of my compensation. Opinions and tips are my own.

The post 7 Easy Steps for a More Restful Sleep appeared first on Pretty Connected.

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