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Fall in Japan

We are back from our trip and the high was 72 degrees in AZ today! The good weather has arrived and I am so happy!! Our trip was so fun, it was really awesome to spend it with family. The kids lovvved having their cousins. Our trip started off kinda rough – we got to Hawaii for a layover and our brand new (very expensive) double stroller that I just bought came broken when they brought it up to us! We had just landed and I got some stressful work emails and things that needed to be resolved right then and then the broken stroller so I was in a NOT good mood about that.. mostly because I was thinking, how are we going to do Japan without a stroller now?! The lady was telling us “it came like this.. this is how we found it.” and the wheel was completely broken off – it couldn’t be fixed so surely we didn’t BRING a broken stroller lol. Anyways we finally got it worked out and on our layover I had to run to Nordstrom and buy a new one. It doesn’t sound stressful now writing this but for some reason in the moment things feel so stressful. I need to remember that all things CAN be fixed. Then when we got to Japan we had forgotten our international driver’s licenses so we had to do public transit into Kyoto – it was going to take 2 hours but ended up taking just over 4 hours eek! After that it was smooth sailing and everything was good and fun!!! Atticus is begging to see his cousin Drew – every minute its “Mama, I want Drew. Mama, where is Drew?”

The day I wore this I tried to do a hairstyle I saw on pinterest and totally FAILED like so bad haha (see the pics here on twitter). Then I was trying to catch a cab and I know how to spot the open ones in Japan but for some reason the open ones weren’t stopping for me.. I must have looked confused because this big group of high school aged Japanese boys came to my rescue and caught me a cab! It was so sweet.

I seriously just LOVE Japan though! The streets are SO clean and everything is so quiet and feels so safe. Its a place I would love to go live in for a year. Each time we go we don’t cover even half of what I have planned because there is so much to do. So happy to be back though and back to our normal routine. I was actually going to possibly cancel our trip so Atticus wouldn’t miss school but when I talked to his teacher about it we agreed it would be really good for him to be with cousins and do some exploring. We brought her back some Japanese treats and Atticus is very excited to take them to school tomorrow! And Rosie and I are excited to go to Target. And Trader Joe’s. And get a car wash 🙂

Photos by Tessa

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